(Recent version works with the 1.8-R1 CraftBukkit version only)
Use the latest version (v1.5a) for the best performance with CB-1.8-R1
Thank you for over 3,000 downloads! <3 <3 <3
What is 'PortabLight'?
It is a Plugin which allows items to act as a lamp while being hold by a player.
- Items act as lamp (with permission: 'portablelight.use' or as op)
Planned Features&Commands
(I'm currently working on them)
- Better performance
Recently updated
- Release | CB-1.7.10-R0.1-20140817.180155-16.jar | PortableLight-v1.4a.jar
- Rewrote plugin code completely
- Added basic api to add/remove illuminating items
- Added config file 'plugins/PortableLight.properties' to add/remove illuminating items (use the list 'AllowedMaterials' to define items)
- Note that this version hasn't been published due to dev.bukkit.org issues.
- Release | CB-1.8-R1 | PortableLight-v1.5a.jar
- Updated to version 1.8 (from BuildTools-1.8.20141228.jar)
- Fixed incorrect oldLL to use oldLLt
- Download the plugin
- Place it in your 'plugins' directory
- Create a file called 'PortableLight.properties' in your 'plugins' (please note that the torch also needs to be added to the 'AllowedMaterials' inside the properties file!)
- Start your server
- Now the plugin is ready to use (no configuration needed!)
- You can un-/register items by changing the 'AllowedMaterials' property in './plugins/PortableLight.properties' ( - all material names are seperated by a comma ( , )).
- You can un-/register items by accessing the API programmatically through the 'PortableLight' class ( - remember to add PortableLight as a dependency in your 'plugin.yml'). Included methods:
- .registerMaterial(Material material) - - Register new material
- .registerMaterials(Material... materials) - - Register new materials
- .unregisterMaterial(Material material) - - Unregister registered material
- .unregisterMaterials(Material... materials) - - Unregister registered materials
- .isMaterialRegistered(Material material) - - Determine if a material is registered
Quote from an exmaple PortableLight.properties:# List of materials that will illuminate (seperated by commas; whitespaces are ignored), e.g. # AllowedMaterials=<MATERIAL>,<MATERIAL> AllowedMaterials=TORCH,GLOWSTONE_DUSTYou can find a list of all available materials here.
Youtube Video:
Bukkit Plugin Showcase #2: PortableLight (v1.3c)
- I'm happy about every suggestion :)
- The current version might have bugs, because it uses an untested method to determine the lightlevel, which causes a framedrop on the client
- The current version produces an error when there is no PortableLight.properties file inside the './plugins' directory and creates a folder named 'PortableLight.properties' instead. Fix: Create the PortableLight.properties file manually (i.e. touch ./plugins/PortableLight.properties in the server root directory)
- No other bugs at the moment
I'm still trying to fix the lag. But I've found a possible solution :)
I suppose if this was done properly so it wouldn't lag, I would donate...
I'm on that right now :)
I know it is going to be hard to do, but if you can make it less laggy I would give gold stars upon stars.
Noticed the same as I tested it yesterday.
I want to fix this as soon as possible.
Seconded. Lag-tastic. Not sure if there is a better way to code the light, but at the very least onPlayerMoveCheckTorch should be optimized (hash?).
Made my entire server/client insanely laggy
I can't attack mobs if this plugin is enabled.
I added permissions v1.1 which is currently awaiting approval :)
Permission pls