(Recent version works with the 1.8-R1 CraftBukkit version only)
Use the latest version (v1.5a) for the best performance with CB-1.8-R1
Thank you for over 3,000 downloads! <3 <3 <3
What is 'PortabLight'?
It is a Plugin which allows items to act as a lamp while being hold by a player.
- Items act as lamp (with permission: 'portablelight.use' or as op)
Planned Features&Commands
(I'm currently working on them)
- Better performance
Recently updated
- Release | CB-1.7.10-R0.1-20140817.180155-16.jar | PortableLight-v1.4a.jar
- Rewrote plugin code completely
- Added basic api to add/remove illuminating items
- Added config file 'plugins/PortableLight.properties' to add/remove illuminating items (use the list 'AllowedMaterials' to define items)
- Note that this version hasn't been published due to dev.bukkit.org issues.
- Release | CB-1.8-R1 | PortableLight-v1.5a.jar
- Updated to version 1.8 (from BuildTools-1.8.20141228.jar)
- Fixed incorrect oldLL to use oldLLt
- Download the plugin
- Place it in your 'plugins' directory
- Create a file called 'PortableLight.properties' in your 'plugins' (please note that the torch also needs to be added to the 'AllowedMaterials' inside the properties file!)
- Start your server
- Now the plugin is ready to use (no configuration needed!)
- You can un-/register items by changing the 'AllowedMaterials' property in './plugins/PortableLight.properties' ( - all material names are seperated by a comma ( , )).
- You can un-/register items by accessing the API programmatically through the 'PortableLight' class ( - remember to add PortableLight as a dependency in your 'plugin.yml'). Included methods:
- .registerMaterial(Material material) - - Register new material
- .registerMaterials(Material... materials) - - Register new materials
- .unregisterMaterial(Material material) - - Unregister registered material
- .unregisterMaterials(Material... materials) - - Unregister registered materials
- .isMaterialRegistered(Material material) - - Determine if a material is registered
Quote from an exmaple PortableLight.properties:# List of materials that will illuminate (seperated by commas; whitespaces are ignored), e.g. # AllowedMaterials=<MATERIAL>,<MATERIAL> AllowedMaterials=TORCH,GLOWSTONE_DUSTYou can find a list of all available materials here.
Youtube Video:
Bukkit Plugin Showcase #2: PortableLight (v1.3c)
- I'm happy about every suggestion :)
- The current version might have bugs, because it uses an untested method to determine the lightlevel, which causes a framedrop on the client
- The current version produces an error when there is no PortableLight.properties file inside the './plugins' directory and creates a folder named 'PortableLight.properties' instead. Fix: Create the PortableLight.properties file manually (i.e. touch ./plugins/PortableLight.properties in the server root directory)
- No other bugs at the moment
Sorry for the late reply. Your API version (1.7.10) is one ahead of the one I used whilst compilation (1.7.9).
Detailed answer: The error you're getting seems to be caused by a missing (or moved) class in the servers jar. You're running it on a build that is based on the API of 1.7.10 which is not the API i compiled it with (I used R0.2 1.7.9 from the Bukkit beta builds, which is based on the API of 1.7.9). It should work fine on a spigot server for 1.7.9, as CraftBukkit v1.7.9R3 should be included. I think in your case the missing classes have been moved to /v1_7_10R1 or something.
@GameplayJDK EDIT NOTE: I admit I did not notice this at install time, but thought that it was refering to earlier builds. I also understand that "d" is untested. "(Recent version works with the 1.7.9-R0.2 CraftBukkit version only)"
I'm getting this error using 1.3d, which is preventing light from occurring in-game the way this plugin intends. This error is occurring on Spigot build number 1607 on default configuration, using API 1.7.10-R0.1-SNAPSHOT
Other Plugins (For if Conflicts): WorldBorder, bPermissions,Craftconomy3, WorldEdit, ChatControl, BukkitCompat(For McMyAdmin), ArmorWeight, Vault, WorldGuard, Essentials, NPCWarehouse, AntiCheat (default config), EpicQuest, CoreProtect, Votifier, mcMMO, Jobs, ShowCaseStandalone, Trade, AsyncWorldEdit, WorldE., WorldGuard.
I've already removed the console spamming and I'm working on the flickering (to fix it in the next release, which is v1.3d). I haven't tested it on spigot, but it should work on all versions above the cb1.7.10' beta builds..
Very interested in this, no glowstone is just what we need! However, the flickering is insanely bad on my test server, granted the cpu is not as good. It runs smoother than glowstone though! Just, that flicker, and the console spam worries me. Is anyone out there running this on the latest spigot?
Thank you!!
I hope you'll get it working ;)
I'll try to fix that, but it's an issue while looping through the data of the previously changed blocks.. I will try to move the packet transmitting part out of the loop in the next release :)
Can you fix the Light-Flickering thing? To fix that, you would have to only reset the lightnings from the blocks which have no torch-players in range. Probably first save all new stats, compare them with the old stats, and then update the changes ;)
Will be added as soon as it works without bugs/lag.
Image or video?
That would sadly cause more lightlevel updating trouble.. But if I could fix the lag and a few other problems, I might be able to add something like that :)
Thanks for reporting that! I'll try to fix that as soon as possible, but I'm not sure how long it will take..
It has worked well enough, the refresh rate a little bit on the laggy side. However, it does use a bit too much for Java to allocate, leaving clients with a "java out of memory" error, kicking them out of the server, and only letting them join again for a second before it repeats and kicks again, with an out of memory error. Happens to all players, both people who use and don't use the plugin. Because of this, I had to remove the plugin, although I will put it back in after some optimization. :)
It looks very nice plugin :D i have an idea if it was possible to make the igniting mobs light the area if it was possible.
Thank you for testing it, I'm already working on a fix for that issue.
I'll try to solve that flickering issue until the next release :)
Hello, I tested it and the flow is really good but normal torches in caves are not lighting well (only in the block they were placed) and when you take a torch into your hand all torches in the cave work like they should.
Tested v1.3a on Spigot 1.7.9-R0.3 The dynamic lighting works well, and I didn't notice any lag. However normal torches placed on the ground and walls constantly flicker.
Thank you :D
Ok, I'll try to fix that. I think it's caused by the light level update..
Found a bug, when you place the torch down it only lights up the block its on and the faces of the block directly touching / facing the block.
Pretty nice plugin, looks a bit glitchy and rough around the edge of lighted area. Lag seemed non-existent, so good job with that! (v1.3a)
I've tested it. You're right. I'm going to fix this soon :)
found a new bug where you cant hit anything with empty hand