Supported Bukkit Versions
Release | CB-1.7.2-R0.3 | PortableLight-v1.0.jar
- Added torchlight using lightblocks
- Added Packagesender for lightblockchanges
Release | CB-1.7.2-R0.3 | PortableLight-v1.1.jar
- Added permission 'portablelight.use' to allow users to use the torch as portable light
Release | CB-1.7.2-R0.3 | PortableLight-v1.2fx.jar
- Made minor fixes to the movement check
- Reduced lag from v1.0 and v1.1
- Prepared lag fix
Release | CB-1.7.9-R0.1 | PortableLight-v1.3a.jar
- Improved light level change performance (500ms,5t-llc-check)
- New method for updating chunks (now using w.refreshChunk())
Release | CB-1.7.9-R0.2 | PortableLight-v1.3b.jar
- Rewrote light calculation algorithm
- Added TLocXYZLL class to store torch data "per player"
- Upgraded from Bukkit.getScheduler to BukkitRunnable.runTaskTimerAsynchronously
Release | CB-1.7.9-R0.2 | PortableLight-v1.3c.jar
- Rewrote light calculation algorithm (again)
- Rewrote complete code for updating
- Removed TLocXYZLL class to store torch data "per player"
- Changed task mgmnt to use a java.util.Timer for scheduling updates
- Fixed OOM (out of memory) bug
- Fixed RLS (remove light source) bug
- Fixed UTO (update transmission overload) bug
Release | CB-1.7.9-R0.2 | PortableLight-v1.3d.jar
- Moved c.initLighting() out of TLocXYZLL progressing loop
Release | CB-1.7.10-R0.1-20140817.180155-16.jar | PortableLight-v1.4a.jar
- Rewrote plugin code completely
- Added basic api to add/remove illuminating items
- Added config file 'plugins/' to add/remove illuminating items (use the list 'AllowedMaterials' to define items)
- Note that this version hasn't been published due to issues.
Release | CB-1.8-R1 | PortableLight-v1.5a.jar
- Updated to version 1.8 (from BuildTools-1.8.20141228.jar)
- Fixed incorrect oldLL to use oldLLt