(Recent version works with the 1.8-R1 CraftBukkit version only)
Use the latest version (v1.5a) for the best performance with CB-1.8-R1
Thank you for over 3,000 downloads! <3 <3 <3
What is 'PortabLight'?
It is a Plugin which allows items to act as a lamp while being hold by a player.
- Items act as lamp (with permission: 'portablelight.use' or as op)
Planned Features&Commands
(I'm currently working on them)
- Better performance
Recently updated
- Release | CB-1.7.10-R0.1-20140817.180155-16.jar | PortableLight-v1.4a.jar
- Rewrote plugin code completely
- Added basic api to add/remove illuminating items
- Added config file 'plugins/PortableLight.properties' to add/remove illuminating items (use the list 'AllowedMaterials' to define items)
- Note that this version hasn't been published due to dev.bukkit.org issues.
- Release | CB-1.8-R1 | PortableLight-v1.5a.jar
- Updated to version 1.8 (from BuildTools-1.8.20141228.jar)
- Fixed incorrect oldLL to use oldLLt
- Download the plugin
- Place it in your 'plugins' directory
- Create a file called 'PortableLight.properties' in your 'plugins' (please note that the torch also needs to be added to the 'AllowedMaterials' inside the properties file!)
- Start your server
- Now the plugin is ready to use (no configuration needed!)
- You can un-/register items by changing the 'AllowedMaterials' property in './plugins/PortableLight.properties' ( - all material names are seperated by a comma ( , )).
- You can un-/register items by accessing the API programmatically through the 'PortableLight' class ( - remember to add PortableLight as a dependency in your 'plugin.yml'). Included methods:
- .registerMaterial(Material material) - - Register new material
- .registerMaterials(Material... materials) - - Register new materials
- .unregisterMaterial(Material material) - - Unregister registered material
- .unregisterMaterials(Material... materials) - - Unregister registered materials
- .isMaterialRegistered(Material material) - - Determine if a material is registered
Quote from an exmaple PortableLight.properties:# List of materials that will illuminate (seperated by commas; whitespaces are ignored), e.g. # AllowedMaterials=<MATERIAL>,<MATERIAL> AllowedMaterials=TORCH,GLOWSTONE_DUSTYou can find a list of all available materials here.
Youtube Video:
Bukkit Plugin Showcase #2: PortableLight (v1.3c)
- I'm happy about every suggestion :)
- The current version might have bugs, because it uses an untested method to determine the lightlevel, which causes a framedrop on the client
- The current version produces an error when there is no PortableLight.properties file inside the './plugins' directory and creates a folder named 'PortableLight.properties' instead. Fix: Create the PortableLight.properties file manually (i.e. touch ./plugins/PortableLight.properties in the server root directory)
- No other bugs at the moment
Does this plugin work with 1.15?
I'll try to do that as soon as possible.
Please update to 1.8.1 or 2 or 3 :D
Please make video tutorial for the installation of the plugin.
v1.5a is based on bukkit 1.8.. You can use v1.3d with bukkit 1.7.9 only, because bukkit 1.7.10 uses craftbukkit v1_7_R4 while the plugin was compiled with v1_7_R3 (the previous version from bukkit 1.7.9).
I might upload a 1.7.10-backport version if possible.It's not possible to upload a 1.7.10-backport version since dev.bukkit.org does not support 1.7.10 builds:@GameplayJDK
I am using 1.7.10 with 1.7.9 version shall it not work like that?
Are you using the latest bukkit version (1.8) and the latest plugin version (v1.5a)?
It seems like you're running another plugin version because in the new version there is no v1_7_R3 import.
I get this with the file in my /plugins folder
15.01 16:53:10 [Server] WARN ... 3 more 15.01 16:53:10 [Server] WARN at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:358) 15.01 16:53:10 [Server] WARN at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:425) 15.01 16:53:10 [Server] WARN at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(PluginClassLoader.java:62) 15.01 16:53:10 [Server] WARN at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(PluginClassLoader.java:67) 15.01 16:53:10 [Server] WARN Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_7_R3.CraftWorld 15.01 16:53:10 [Server] WARN at java.util.TimerThread.run(Timer.java:505) 15.01 16:53:10 [Server] WARN at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Timer.java:555) 15.01 16:53:10 [Server] WARN at de.GameplayJDK.PortableLight.PortableLight$LightUpdater$1.run(PortableLight.java:96) 15.01 16:53:10 [Server] WARN java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/bukkit/craftbukkit/v1_7_R3/CraftWorld 15.01 16:53:10 [Server] WARN Exception in thread "LightUpdater"
This is caused by a missing PortableLights.properties file inside the './plugins' directory. The plugin doesn't create that file automatically in this version.. I'll fix that in v1.5b :)
I'll do that :)
Please post a sample PortableLight.properties file because it is VERY unclear as to how one should format it. I tried several different ways and it didn't work. Also Do we use item names, or ID, or minecraft:item_name ?
Hey! I get this on load.
And then it creates a directory called "PortableLight.properties" with no files in it. I think you want it to create a file named PortableLight.properties inside of the PortableLight directory instead :P
I'll test a few things and try to fix that issue, but I can't promise, that I can solve it, it most likely is another problem that comes with server-side lightning :/
Perfect for my medieval server, too bad it's flashing on and off underground... were running 1.7.9 R0.2 cb and no error messages or anything just flashing like a strobe torch...
I'll release a 1.7.10 version, but it may be unstable. Normally I avoid compile with dev-builds, but since there doesn't seem to be a beta-build soon, I'll make an exception with this. v1.4a will be compiled with cb1.7.10-R0.1 dev build #3115. :)
EDIT: There is currently no way to upload plugins for version 1.7.10, as soon as it's possible, I'll upload 1.4a.
Thank you for your interest :) The trail of light seems to be a client side issue, Serverside there should be a lightlevel of 0,but somehow the client is thinking, the lighlevel is somewhere between 1 and 3 (current maximum is 10). In some cases this is caused by transparent blocks (such as grass, dead bushes, vines, ...), and in other cases it's not... I'll do more testing to fix this problem, but I can't guarantee anything. Thanks for the suggestion, but there is one issue with it: If you use those potion effects, you won't be able to further than 5 blocks because of the blindness :/
Our server has been following this plugin for quite some time and we really want this to work!! As you have mentioned, you can't do much about the flickering until the API changes. What I haven't seen discussed yet, is that it leaves a trail of light where ever we walk. I am sure this is due to the way bukkit updates its blocks as well...
I hate to suggest it, but perhaps the method of lighting blocks is too literal. Instead of thinking of this as having to effect each block with "light" Have you considered using a mixture of effects to get the same result such as night vision and blindness like this?
I don't know if this could solve all your problems, or if it is far off the mark, worth the suggestion though. In the meantime we are not using any handheld light source and we really, really want one =)
Could we get an update to CB 1.7.10? Thanks. This is a great plugin
Until the bukkit API gives us a better method for updating blocks, I can't really do anything about the flickering :/
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
I assume you're using Spigot for minecraft 1.7.10, which uses the API version that is one ahead of the one I used to build 1.3d. It should work fine with spigot for mc1.7.9.
@GameplayJDK completelly not working (1.3d on newest Spigot). As OP I'm holding torch, and nothing. Errors in console:
[11:14:05 WARN]: Exception in thread "LightUpdater" [11:14:05 WARN]: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/bukkit/craftbukkit/v1_7_R3/ CraftWorld [11:14:05 WARN]: at de.GameplayJDK.PortableLight.PortableLight$LightUpdat er$1.run(PortableLight.java:96) [11:14:05 WARN]: at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Unknown Source) [11:14:05 WARN]: at java.util.TimerThread.run(Unknown Source) [11:14:05 WARN]: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.bukkit.craftbu kkit.v1_7_R3.CraftWorld [11:14:05 WARN]: at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(Pl uginClassLoader.java:91) [11:14:05 WARN]: at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(Pl uginClassLoader.java:86) [11:14:05 WARN]: at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) [11:14:05 WARN]: at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) [11:14:05 WARN]: ... 3 more
The update light is still flickering in v1.3d
@GameplayJDK Thanks for the response, I also noticed that spigot.yml now has random light updates set to false by default though I'm pretty sure this is for OpenGL lighting. Enabled and double checked for safe measure, same result :p