PolskieZnaki - Add to your keyboard new support letters
Name of this plugin is taken from Polish language. It means "Polish characters". I called this plugin in Polish because I add support for my native Polish language :)
Supported Languages:
- Polish language (if you click here it'll show all supported letters or chars )
- Added two languages
- Added possibilty to see messages from right to left (after sent message on chat)
If you want add support to your language then add in comment your special characters and name of Language.
- Do you miss your native characters ?
- Combination of keys is not enough to put your char ?
This plugin can help you to achieve this challenge :)
My idea for using custom characters is to use it something like this:
Example polish sentence:
How to introduce custom chars
"m`aka to sk`ladnik do ciasta. `l`aka jest ogromna"
How people will see this
"mąka to składnik do ciasta. Łąka jest ogromna"
As you can see to put custom letter you need to use "`".
Of course I can make custom char for every language.
- Add more supported letters.
- Add custom char for languages.
- Make better compatibility for chat plugins.
- None but if you want I can add some :)
Plugin uses minimal stats for checkin how many people use this plugin .
Thank you for the great article, I would like to take the chance to invite Polish tutors and students who are looking to learn Polish using Skype to view this excellent website that offers Polish Skype classes http://preply.com/en/polish-by-skype I am currently taking Polish classes over there with native speakers and the quality presented is professional and satisfying
Can you please add spanish, german, and hebrew to this plugin? Awesome plugin! Dziękujemy!
Hey i can help to translate to Bulgarian :) pm on skype marti_marti88
Could you give an idea how can I make those chars available? I mean on which letter bind those special Hebrew chars?
For example for polish letter ę I use alt+e to get this char and for this plugin I use `e to get ę char so give me an idea what would you like to use. Using combination of keys is not possible without spout or something like this because I can't get to client side. About Writing from right to left it's possible but while writing I can't change that, only after writing for example "abcdef" I can make to be shown on chat as "fedcba" EDIT: I added option that shows message from right to left in chat. Example is above :)
@VladasX In v1.2 it should work fine but I'm not sure if it'll works without needed "`" symbol
Please add Hebrew:א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ צ ק ר ש ת
can you also make an option of writing for right to left? there are alot of languages that are writen right to left,add some sort of a button or somthing like that...
Is it possible without adding any special symbols? In minecraft lithuanian keyboard does this: ScreenShot , would it be possible that when those symbols in screenshot are sent, they become lithuanian letters? Fromthe screenshot it's in this order: Ą ą Č č Ę ę Ė ė Į į Š š Ų ų Ū ū Ž ž
You can tell me how you want get those chars? My idea is that all chars like: Ą ą Ę ę Į į Ų ų get using `a `e `l `i `u but chars like: Č č Ė ė Š š Ū ū get by using `c^ `e^ `s^ `u^ That's my idea for this. But what's your because I want make it as much comfortable as possible :)
Ok, no problem. You'll able to switch languages in config.yml in next update :)
It would be great if you would add a lithuanian language It got these special chars: Ą ą Č č Ę ę Ė ė Į į Š š Ų ų Ū ū Ž ž
Chodziło mi o to, że plugin nie wie na 100% o co chodziło użytkownikowi w tym przypadku :)
Wydaje mi się że plugin opiera się na polskich znakach, a nie ortografii. Więc moze = może, morze = morze. tak samo sie = się itd.
Wielkie dzięki :)
Ale "moze" ma 2 alternatywy, bo można napisać "może" lub "morze" :P Więc to tak średnio ;d
Plugin łapie literę po / i zamienia ją wg. wzoru.
grzegorz2047 zawsze możesz popróbować z ASCII.
A zawsze można zrobić to na Stringach i robić bazę wyrazów: moze = może
Niestety nie.
można to używać z ALT + a / e itd?
No to w takim razie jest ok :)
Tak używam, używam Essentials Chat.
No to korzystaj z ctrl + a :p A co do literówki to już poprawiam.
Taaa pomysl dobry, ale chyba lepiejby bylo gdyby mozna bylo wykorzystac standardowa kombinacje ALT+litera ;p Watpie zeby ktokolwiek pisal /L czy /a /e itp,
p.s / = slash, nie 'slesh' ;)