What is PlugMan?
PlugMan is a simple, easy to use plugin that lets server admins manage plugins from either in-game or console without the need to restart the server.
- Enable, disable, restart, load, reload, and unload plugins from in-game or console.
- List plugins alphabetically, with version if specified.
- Get useful information on plugins such as commands, version, author(s), etc.
- Easily manage plugins without having to constantly restart your server.
- List commands a plugin has registered.
- Find which plugin a command is registered to.
- Tab completion for command names and plugin names.
- Dump plugin list with versions to a file.
- Check if a plugin is up-to-date with
- Permissions Support - All commands default to OP.
Command | Description |
/plugman help | Show help information. |
/plugman list [-v] | List plugins in alphabetical order. Use "-v" to include versions. |
/plugman info [plugin] | Displays information about a plugin. |
/plugman dump | Dumps plugin list and versions to a file. |
/plugman usage [plugin] | List commands that a plugin has registered. |
/plugman lookup [command] | Find which plugin a command is registered to. |
/plugman enable [plugin| all] |
Enable a plugin. |
/plugman disable [plugin| all] |
Disable a plugin. |
/plugman restart [plugin| all] |
Restart (disable/enable) a plugin. |
/plugman load [plugin] | Load a plugin. |
/plugman reload [plugin| all] |
Reload (unload/load) a plugin. |
/plugman unload [plugin] | Unload a plugin. |
/plugman check [plugin| all] [-f] |
Check if a plugin is up-to-date. |
Permission Node | Default | Description |
plugman.admin | OP | Allow use of all PlugMan commands. |
plugman.update | OP | Allow user to see update messages. | | OP | Allow use of the help command. |
plugman.list | OP | Allow use of the list command. | | OP | Allow use of the info command. |
plugman.dump | OP | Allow use of the dump command. |
plugman.usage | OP | Allow use of the usage command. |
plugman.lookup | OP | Allow use of the lookup command. |
plugman.enable | OP | Allow use of the enable command. |
plugman.enable.all | OP | Allow use of the enable all command. |
plugman.disable | OP | Allow use of the disable command. |
plugman.disable.all | OP | Allow use of the disable all command. |
plugman.restart | OP | Allow use of the restart command. |
plugman.restart.all | OP | Allow use of the restart all command. |
plugman.load | OP | Allow use of the load command. |
plugman.reload | OP | Allow use of the reload command. |
plugman.reload.all | OP | Allow use of the reload all command. |
plugman.unload | OP | Allow use of the unload command. |
plugman.check | OP | Allow use of the check command. |
plugman.check.all | OP | Allow use of the check all comamnd. |
File | URL |
config.yml | |
PlugMan is open source and hosted on GitHub; feel free to fork, star, or contribute to PlugMan by making pull requests and opening issues.
To view those who enable this project to be developed, please refer to the GitHub page.
Samkio has made a tutorial showing the basic usage of the plugin.
User Content
- Logo: HariboPenguin
- Tutorials
- English (Samkio):
- Spanish (cloud_strife_91spain):
- German (ThePhantom123):
- Portuguese (AbsintoJ):
- PlugMan requires (at least) Java 7 to run.
- If you have an error, please use a paste service (such as instead of the comment box.
Getting a strange issue: Every time I restart my server, Plugman becomes corrupted (file size 176B).
Replied on github,
ummmm i download and then started the server. i restart the server and its corrupted. no other download. just corrupt
I've created an issue on GitHub to track this -
I would suggest setting the "updater-type" in PlugMan's config.yml to either "check" or "none" - I'll take a look into the issue and see if it affects anyone else in the future.
EDIT: I've tried changing the name of the entry on DBO to v2.1 from v2.1.0, there might be something wrong in the parsing of Updater that is causing the issue.
What I did is, I downloaded it from bukkit and installed it, but as soon as I started the server it downloaded 2.0.8 again. Is this what you mean?
Odd - it updated once, as expected, on two different servers I have just tested. Can you download the latest version from DBO (instead of allowing the Updater to give you v2.1.0) and see if this continues?
Not seeing this on my end - tested with a couple of different servers. Can you re-download the latest version from DBO and retry? This shouldn't be happening, it looks for the message file that is embedded within the JAR - I've downloaded and unzipped the latest version to confirm the file is in place.
2.1.0 broke after it updated on my 1.9 server. 2.0.8 works just fine tho
[08:21:12 ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling PlugMan v2.1.0 (Is it up to date ?) java.lang.NullPointerException at<init>( [?:1.8.0_77] at<init>( [?:1.8.0 _77] at com.rylinaux.plugman.messaging.MessageFile.<init>( ) [?:?] at com.rylinaux.plugman.messaging.MessageFormatter.<init>(MessageFormatt [?:?] at com.rylinaux.plugman.PlugMan.onEnable( [?:?] at [p atched_1.9.2.jar:git-Paper-685] at .java:319) [patched_1.9.2.jar:git-Paper-685] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManage [patched_1.9.2.jar:git-Paper-685] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_9_R1.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.jav a:357) [patched_1.9.2.jar:git-Paper-685] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_9_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer. java:317) [patched_1.9.2.jar:git-Paper-685] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_9_R1.CraftServer.reload( 5) [patched_1.9.2.jar:git-Paper-685] at org.bukkit.Bukkit.reload( [patched_1.9.2.jar:git-Pape r-685] at org.bukkit.command.defaults.ReloadCommand.execute( [patched_1.9.2.jar:git-Paper-685] at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch( [patched_1.9.2.jar:git-Paper-685] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_9_R1.CraftServer.dispatchCommand( [patched_1.9.2.jar:git-Paper-685] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_9_R1.CraftServer.dispatchServerCommand( [patched_1.9.2.jar:git-Paper-685] at net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R1.DedicatedServer.aL( [patched_1.9.2.jar:git-Paper-685] at net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R1.DedicatedServer.D( [patched_1.9.2.jar:git-Paper-685] at net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R1.MinecraftServer.C( [patched_1.9.2.jar:git-Paper-685] at [patched_1.9.2.jar:git-Paper-685] at [?:1.8.0_77]
Plugman keeps downgrading to 2.0.8
I didn't saw your comment earlier since I'm almost not on bukkit anymore.
It seems to break some plugins on 1.9, it works for the biggest part tho.
When I try to reload for example Citizens, it gives me this error:
Are you able to confirm that there are still issues with 1.9? A comment below suggests it was a failure due to Spigot and has since been fixed.
Should it not be, could you please post the situations it failed along with some logs?
Can you pleae add support for 1.9?
Indeed it breaks the plugin on 1.9, hoping for an update.
It does not work on Spigot 1.9
broken on 1.9, it fails (at least) when you try to reload a plugin.
EDIT: Ok, the failure was due to spigot, now works fine.
plugman breaks my plugins when i try to reload... any reason why???
Is there any chance of 1.7 cross compat with future updates?
I love this plugin but I'm stuck on 1.7.5 due to 60-70% of used plugins not updated beyond that.
It's just the updater not being able to contact the update servers, nothing bad, the plugin itself still should work.
Im getting this problem: in my console help pls
I've added the video to the description (Google Translate said Portuguese, is that correct?) and credited you, thanks for creating it!
Support for Spigot resources was something I planned on looking at in the future... thanks for finding that API, I'll take a look at it.