What is PlugMan?
PlugMan is a simple, easy to use plugin that lets server admins manage plugins from either in-game or console without the need to restart the server.
- Enable, disable, restart, load, reload, and unload plugins from in-game or console.
- List plugins alphabetically, with version if specified.
- Get useful information on plugins such as commands, version, author(s), etc.
- Easily manage plugins without having to constantly restart your server.
- List commands a plugin has registered.
- Find which plugin a command is registered to.
- Tab completion for command names and plugin names.
- Dump plugin list with versions to a file.
- Check if a plugin is up-to-date with
- Permissions Support - All commands default to OP.
Command | Description |
/plugman help | Show help information. |
/plugman list [-v] | List plugins in alphabetical order. Use "-v" to include versions. |
/plugman info [plugin] | Displays information about a plugin. |
/plugman dump | Dumps plugin list and versions to a file. |
/plugman usage [plugin] | List commands that a plugin has registered. |
/plugman lookup [command] | Find which plugin a command is registered to. |
/plugman enable [plugin| all] |
Enable a plugin. |
/plugman disable [plugin| all] |
Disable a plugin. |
/plugman restart [plugin| all] |
Restart (disable/enable) a plugin. |
/plugman load [plugin] | Load a plugin. |
/plugman reload [plugin| all] |
Reload (unload/load) a plugin. |
/plugman unload [plugin] | Unload a plugin. |
/plugman check [plugin| all] [-f] |
Check if a plugin is up-to-date. |
Permission Node | Default | Description |
plugman.admin | OP | Allow use of all PlugMan commands. |
plugman.update | OP | Allow user to see update messages. | | OP | Allow use of the help command. |
plugman.list | OP | Allow use of the list command. | | OP | Allow use of the info command. |
plugman.dump | OP | Allow use of the dump command. |
plugman.usage | OP | Allow use of the usage command. |
plugman.lookup | OP | Allow use of the lookup command. |
plugman.enable | OP | Allow use of the enable command. |
plugman.enable.all | OP | Allow use of the enable all command. |
plugman.disable | OP | Allow use of the disable command. |
plugman.disable.all | OP | Allow use of the disable all command. |
plugman.restart | OP | Allow use of the restart command. |
plugman.restart.all | OP | Allow use of the restart all command. |
plugman.load | OP | Allow use of the load command. |
plugman.reload | OP | Allow use of the reload command. |
plugman.reload.all | OP | Allow use of the reload all command. |
plugman.unload | OP | Allow use of the unload command. |
plugman.check | OP | Allow use of the check command. |
plugman.check.all | OP | Allow use of the check all comamnd. |
File | URL |
config.yml | |
PlugMan is open source and hosted on GitHub; feel free to fork, star, or contribute to PlugMan by making pull requests and opening issues.
To view those who enable this project to be developed, please refer to the GitHub page.
Samkio has made a tutorial showing the basic usage of the plugin.
User Content
- Logo: HariboPenguin
- Tutorials
- English (Samkio):
- Spanish (cloud_strife_91spain):
- German (ThePhantom123):
- Portuguese (AbsintoJ):
- PlugMan requires (at least) Java 7 to run.
- If you have an error, please use a paste service (such as instead of the comment box.
hey, whats the peice of code that disables the plugins?
I have a few plugins that apparently control similar commands and I'm just wondering if there is a way to help narrow it down. Something that echoes back to someone issuing a command or to the console like
/plugman /command
and have it echo back which plugin responds to the command
Thank you and sorry for asking stupid question - just noticed it was mentoined on the first page with comments *shy*
Works fine on 1.3.1.
Hello guys, does this work with CraftBukkit 1.3.1 without problems?
This is a Java bug on windows. You can safely use programs like "Unlocker" for windows to force windows to unlock this file after you unloaded it with plugman.
I have one problem with this plugin, when i unload a plugin then go to the plugin file and try to delete/rename/move it and it says its being used by a program. so it's kinda useless to me. but when i do /plugins in the console it says the plugin has been removed/ or it don't show it at all. the plugin shows no error messages on the console.
I'm running 1.3.1 r1 java jdk7
I don't think I'll be adding any aliases for /plugman - people can do that themselves via the plugin.yml :P Still not sure about the plugins though.
Definitely something I will think about, seems like a good idea!
Hi Ryan,
You mentioned that a command alias would be coming in 1.7.3, what about configurable aliases for plugins as well?
Rather than typing the entire plugin name for frequently-updated plugins, a short, configurable alias would save tons of time.
/plugman unload GriefPrevention vs /pm unload gp
Perhaps a section in the config where users can list a plugin's exact spelling, and its associated alias.
I opened a ticket for this as well.
Thanks for all your hard work!
My favourite plugin, has saved me many hours of stressful restarts when adding, removing, updating, or changing the settings for plugins. Only had one crash when using it, and that was when I first installed nolagg while the server was running. Keep up the good work, don't know how I'd survive without PlugMan!! :D
This is my favorite plugin :) Thanx ! :) Working great with 1.3.1 .
Should work great with 1.3.1 - no changes should be made with Bukkit that touch this plugin.
Just curious as to if this works with 1.3.1, or if it will have to be updated. No rush, it is jut a necessary on my server. (We add and remove plugins/enable and disable others, A Lot.)
Enable and disable run the plugins built in onEnable and onDisable methods, this is useful for refreshing configs and the like. Load takes a jar that is in your plugins folder, loads it and enables it, whereas unload attempts to "remove" the plugin from the server, disabling it and unregistering it.
just a question, what's the difference of load/unload against enable/disable
The reload really should be removed from Bukkit as it is terrible and simply creates a new instance of each plugin. That being said, my reload command works completely differently. It simple disables and re-enables the plugin, saving and updating the config files if the plugin that is being reloaded is made properly. A config option of aliases will be included in 1.7.3!
I can't seem to re-produce this bug at all. I have tried several different plugins, but all of them work.
Still cant seem to get the load command working.. have to restart server to get it to reckognize new plugin
(Could not edit my last post)
Add multiple commands like /plgman or /pm
Does the reload command work properly? Because the bukkit one /reload, (like most of the developers say) should be removed.