PlugMan v2.1.1
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UploadedMay 2, 2016
Size1.14 MB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.10
Version 2.1.1:
- Fix instances where the alias is a single String rather than a List in the lookup command.
- If multiple plugins register the same command, return all the corresponding plugins rather than the first for the lookup command.
- Leading slash is now ignored in the command name for the lookup command.
Version 2.1.0:
- Add the lookup command - this allows you to find which plugin a command is registered to.
- Remove the old implementation of getting the player count from Metrics - this was causing errors.
Version 2.0.8:
- Lots of project clean-up.
- Include Metrics directly as the Maven repo is down.
- Update Bukkit API version to 1.8.8.
- Remove a config option and add some default values to the config calls to prevent NPEs.
Version 2.0.7:
- Ensure we disable the plugin before unloading (important).
- Add the Updater class to the plugin itself rather than including it as a dependency.
Version 2.0.6:
- Use new method of handling flags for the list command.
- Change "dump" command's output file to a more descriptive name.
- Changed formatting of commands in help.
Version 2.0.5:
- Add the "all" argument to the check command - "/plugman check all" or "plugman check *".
- When the "-f" parameter is passed to the "all" variant of the check command, the output from the command is dumped to file.
- Improve handling of flags in commands.
- Use Bukkit's built in JSON API.
Version 2.0.4:
- Add "/plugman check [plugin]" command which checks if the installed plugin version is up-to-date with the latest version on
- Update MC libraries to game version 1.8.
- Add Apache HTTP libraries - size of the JAR has increased to 1.2 MB.
- Several code re-factoring changes and optimizations.
Version 2.0.3:
- Fix bug where players could view the plugins on a server via tab complete.
Version 2.0.2:
- Fixed load command (broken in 2.0.1).
- Fixed Updater partially running in the main thread and causing lockups.
Version 2.0.1:
- Change formatting on the list command (with versions) to be more readable.
- Add configuration option to silently ignore metrics and updater.
- Better handling of reloading plugins with names not matching jars.
- Implement dump command that dumps plugins with versions to a file.
Version 2.0.0:
- Fix bug with not being able to remove unloaded plugins' jar file using Windows.
- Send proper command args when invalid args are given.
- Small code fixes.
Version 2.0.0-DEV-2:
- Fix compatibility issues with mcore.
- Update internal maven dependencies.
Version 2.0.0-DEV-1:
- Total re-write of plugin, much cleaner code base.
- Status command has been merged with the info command.
- Test command has been removed, doesn't belong in this plugin.
- Added tab complete for command names and plugin names.
- The vlist command has been replaced by /plugman list -v
- Configurable command output has been implemented, see messages.yml
- Gravity's Updater has been implemented for auto-updates (can be disabled, see config)
- Added ignored plugins list. Plugins will be ignored for enable, disable, restart, load, reload, and
- Added the "all" (also "*") parameter to the enable and disable commands.
- Java 7 is required, it should be standard by now.
- Added configurable in-game notification when updater-type is set to check, if an update is available.
Version 1.8.4:
- Java 6 compatible
- Update MetricsLite
- Code cleanup
Version 1.8.3:
- Call plugin's onLoad() function.
Version 1.8.2:
- Fix broken list/vlist command (thanks to @WooJoo for reporting this)
- Alias /pm to /plugman.
Version 1.8.1:
- Fixed a small bug which basically canceled the reloading as soon as one skipped plugin was encountered.
- Added a "real" reload which basically now just calls unload an then load internally.
- Renamed old reload to restart
- Made load a bit smarter, it can now search for plugins based on their description-name instead of just the file-name.
Version 1.7.2:
- Fix for broken load command.
Version 1.7.1:
- Removed purge command.
- Added status command
- Added more info to info command.
- Added option to opt-out of metrics.
- All new colors.
- HUGE code cleanup
Version 1.7.0:
- Added unload command.
- Added option to skip certain plugins when using /plugman reload all (found in config)
- General code cleanup
Version 1.6.8:
- Fixed NPE with info command.
- Added correction for wrong args on the test command.
- Cleanup and testing for 1.2.5 RB
Version 1.6.7:
- Re-implemented usage command
- Changed purge command default to false, you -must- have plugman.purge to use it now, not just OP.
Version 1.6.6:
- Removed the /pm alias by default, it caused too many issues with messaging plugins.
- General code cleanup.
Version 1.6.5:
- Added PluginMetrics tracking -
- Re-implemented /plugman vlist
- "*" can now be used in the reload command along side "all" to reload all plugins
- Added can now enable/disable all plugins via "all" or "*" as the plugin argument.
Version 1.6.4:
- Added /plugman purge - Dangerous, must restart or reload server (from console) to re-enable all plugins.
- Changed all chat formatting around.
Version 1.6.3:
- Added support for plugins with spaces, ie "My Worlds".
- Added /plugman reload all.
- Added /plugman test [permission] [player] - Player is option, checks perm for if you if left out.
Version 1.6.2:
- Removed unused code and unused ChatTools class.
Version 1.6.1:
- Made all commands default to op, not non op.
Version 1.6:
- Total rewrite of the plugin.
- Removed the usage and describe command.
- Added alias: pm
Version 1.5.4:
- Fixed permission check for sender.
Version 1.5.3:
- Added individual permission nodes per command.
Version 1.5.2:
- Removed restrictions on caps, plugin isn't picky anymore.
Version 1.5.1:
- Added help menu -> /plugman or /plugman help
Version 1.5:
- Updated from b1185 to new RB.
- Updated for BukkitPerms API.
- Fixed broken chat formatting.