
Custom Player Commands - allows you to map commands from players to commands of your choice (example: you can create command "/hi" that will actually perform command "/say Hello Everyone!") Command Signs - Create signs to perform various tasks /ownerstatus - Shows the status of the owner, owner username is set in the config /kick - Kicks given player from the server, optionally providing a custom reason. Option to broadcast each kick to everyone is also included. /kickall - Kicks all players from the server with a customizable message /freeze - Freezes or unfreezes a player. /playtime - Shows playtime for the given player or for yourself. /gm - Changes a players gamemode to survival, creative or adventure mode /chunk - Refreshes 5 chunks around a player to fix rendering errors. /ban - Bans a player from joining the server. /banip - Bans an IP from joining the server. Alternatively, player name can be /pardon - Pardons player or IP from being banned. /home - A full home management suite. Allows players to set their homes via /sethome command, have one home per each world, instantly teleport to their home and invite friends to it, too! A little bit of administration is thrown into this package as well, allowing admins to clear unused homes or teleport to them (to restore nature) using a single command. /butcher - Kills nearby mobs with the option of LIGHTNING /setrank - Allows player to set the rank/group of another player. Uses Vault /economy - Complete Economy support for CommandsEX /balance - Checks a players balance. Requires Vault with a compatible Economy plugin (CommandsEX is supported) /clear - Clears player's whole inventory or a part of it, based on parameters. /spawn - Teleports a player to server's spawn location. /setspawn - Sets the servers spawn location /warp - Warps and warping management functions. Allows creation of public/private warps, their usage by your players. Contains administrative functions for warp deleting, renaming and limiting number of warps per player. /tp - Allows player to teleport himself to another player (/tp Player) and also one player to another (/tp Player1 Player2). /tpto - Allows player to teleport himself to another player. (/tpto). /tphere - Teleports another player to the active player. /tpall - Teleports all players to another player /tpaall - Sends a tpa request to all online players /tpaccept - Accepts /tpa or /tpahere request for a specified player. /tpdeny - Rejects /tpa or /tpahere request for a specified player. /tpworld - Teleport to another world