Playtime is a plugin for tracking numerous times for particular players. Currently within its release stage, it can track the time that a player has been online, been alive for, and how long they have played on the server in total. It currently supports three forms of data management, which are MySQL, SQLite, and flat file storage using yaml files. There is also tracking of AFK players (if you wish to enable it), and I try to keep everything within this plugin as configurable as possible. Please, if you have any type of feedback at all, don't hesitate to leave a comment! I usually try to add new ideas within a week of requesting it if I deem that it is appropriate for the plugin.
News: Playtime-2.0.0!
There are plans for an upcoming re-write of the Playtime plugin in its entirety! You can view the notes on this update at the link below:
This will add some major overhauls, including an incredible re-write of the event system, finally fixing the event system to allow for player-defined events after a certain time period.
Have questions on the update, or need help with the plugin in general? Leave a comment below or feel free to talk to me direct via IRC: #codelanx
Updating to Playtime 1.4.1+
Note that v1.4.0 introduces an event system with a few example events placed in. If you would not like any events to be used at all, simply remove everything in the events.yml file and save it as blank.
- Download the jar file and put it in your plugin folder
- Start your server
- PlayTime has generated a config.yml in your plugins folder, customize it so it can connect to your database
- Restart your server
Java 6 or higher
- Logs PlayTime for users currently online, updates it every minute
- Logs the PlayTime in a MySQL database
- Looking up your own play time with a command
- Look up up someone elses play time with a command
- See how long since your last death
- See how long since someone else's death
- Stop tracking the time of AFK players
- Flatfile support (yml files) - Deprecated, will return in the future
- SQLite support
- Dynamic configuration updating
- Asynchronous data management
- Time spent online since login
- Other languages - Currently supported: en_US (English), de_DE (German)
- Firing Console commands when a time is reached
- Add top for total time played
- Add command to switch between data managers
- Automatic updating and version checking. This is possible to disable under the "update" section of the config. For more information, read the Configuration page
For a full list of upcoming features, feel free to look here:
Metrics Stats
Playtime uses metrics, which keeps track of information such as OS, player count, java version, and other specific information in an anonymous fashion. You can view the collected information by clicking the graph below, and it is used for any potential future development for specific groups that develop within statistics:
This can be disabled in the Metrics configuration for all plugins, under plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml , and set "opt-out" to true. Keep in mind this will make your server not report any information, and I love stats almost as much as cats </3
PLEASE make it where you can reset a specific players playtime? Or add playtime to a player? I really need these badly. I don't use MySQL but this is vital to my servers rank system! I might even donate if you add this that's how important this is (Make it a command)!
I have a rank called veteran that people can earn by playing for 7 hours. I also have donator ranks and donators that donate before playing 7 hours, will later be made the 7 hour rank after they reach that. Is it possible to make it so playtime commands wont affect certain ranks?
I have the same problem:
type: playtime
time: 5
at-login: false
repeat: false
- 'msg %u Test'
Whenever I put in a script for the events, it won't run the command once a player reaches the time.
events: 3min: type: onlinetime time: 18 at-login: false repeat: true commands: - 'broadcast Test'
Can you PM me a server log of when this occurs?
The Playtime currently goes no further. It's stuck sometimes, when i reload the plugin its work for a while. any help/ideas?
@1Rogue Thx , I was thinking that I'm doing something wrong.
The event system is broken (works for some people, others it does not). There will be a working rewrite of it available in Playtime 2.0.0 :)
How can you make the events work?I can't figure it out! Please help me out!
You can manually edit the database, but the point behind the plugin is to provide accurate times. This is something I personally do not want to add.
maybe give ops the ability to give themselves ours like /pt give {name} {time in minutes}
please that would be awesome!
Send me a PM with your config file and a full server log (preferrably after running for 5-10 mins). Alternatively open a ticket here: Tickets page
Using signs might be possible, but a death counter is somewhat outside the scope of this plugin.
On some occasions playtime 1.4.5 is not reporting nor recording the correct time spent online. It sometimes just stays stuck on whatever value it was so far without incrementing. I have had this bug 2 times already reported, and none on the previous version 1.4.3.
@ladyyura909 Also,any plans to add like a score board to a sign? or a player to a sign [playtime] Yura 100 hrs
just an idea.
@Yndi74 thank you i will give it a shot. @1Rogue i figured it was a bit unstable. i was curious if it was possible or if anyone had tried it. I think i will make it give 1$ just to see how it goes. Rogue, i was wondering if there is a possibility of adding a death counter? We have a running joke on our server that a few players die a lot, and we'd love to have a death counter.
As @Yndi74 suggested, you can simply use the event system for this. Keep in mind, the event system has been somewhat sporatic and unstable, I'm planning on completely redoing it in the future.
@ladyyura909 Try this event
type: onlinetime
time: 120
at-login: false
repeat: true
- 'msg %u Thank you that you are playing here! For online time you recive some money'
- 'eco give %u 1000'
I was curious if this could be tied in with essentials eco
example: A user has played for x amount of hours and will receive x amount of money.
Awesome thanks! :)
Added to my list for 2.0.0!