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UploadedJan 21, 2014
Size96.35 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.7.4
- Fix automatic updating to comply to bukkitdev standards
- Downloads can now be enabled to run automatically through the plugin itself, no need to manually download
- Fix for german localization erroring on scoreboard creation
- Fix for AFK time still being counted for AFK players
- Resource usage improvements
- Move to 1.6.4
- Fixed update checking
- Rewrote lang system
- Better command checking
- Removed unnecessary booleans
- Cleaned up lang files
- Cleaned up debug output
- Added stack traces to all debug level 3 outputs, not just some
- No more thread sleeping
- Caught closing closed connections, now outputs warnings
- Numerous fixes to sql queries
- Numerous bug fixes
- Updated Javadocs
- Made cleaner listener system
- Major code clean up in some areas
- Fixed bad lang file calls
- Allow event file to now be empty
- Fixed issue with npc's and player-like entities
- Small bug fixes
- Added german localization (de_DE)
- Added top commands
- SQLite is stable
- Added an executable manager, so the plugin will not lag behind if your server is also lagging.
- Added reloading
- Cleaned up executables
- Extensive bug checking / fixing
- Code cleaned up / made javadocs for everything
- Added database swapping
- Added database conversion (NOTE: This will not convert to flatfile format, but will convert from it)
- Added events and event system
- Implemented multi-language system (Currently only english is translated, but more will be available dynamically)
YAML / Flatfile storage has been disabled. It is buggy and non-functional. If you do not want to use MySQL, I currently recommend using "sqlite". The flatfile is buggy enough that it won't convert files in its current state.
The automatic fixing of the configuration leaves it functional, but it's a little messy. It's a drawback, since I would have to choose between functionality and "prettiness".