Command list

Command aliases:

/pms, /pmoresounds, /sounds.





Shows the plugin description.


/playmoresounds confirm

Confirms something.


/playmoresounds edit <file> <path> <new value>

Edits something in a specific configuration.

3 (Required): <file> = The file that you want to edit.

<path> = The setting that you want to edit.

<new value> = The new value.

/playmoresounds help [command|page]

Shows all available commands or the help of a specific one.

1 (Optional): [command] [page] = Shows the detailed information about a command, or opens another page of the help list.

/playmoresounds list [page] [-instruments]

Lists all available instruments/sounds in your minecraft version.

2 (Optional): [page] = Opens another page of the instrument/sound list.

[-instruments] = Lists the available NoteBlock instruments.

/playmoresounds play <sound|eventname> [player|*] [volume] [pitch]

Plays a sound to a player with a specific volume and a specific pitch.

1 (Required), 3 (Optional): <sound> <eventname> = Plays a bukkit sound or a sound from a event of sounds.yml.

[player] [*] = Plays the sound to a specific player or to everyone.

[volume] = The volume of the sound.

[pitch] = The pitch of the sound.

/playmoresounds region <create|delete|rename|set|wand>

Regions subcommand.

1 (Required): <create|delete|rename|set|wand> = The action that you want to do. (More info at the regions page.)

/playmoresounds reload

Reloads all configurations.


/playmoresounds restore [filename]

Restores all configurations.

1 (Optional): [filename] = The file that you want to restore.

/playmoresounds sounds [player]

Check if the sounds are toggled on or off.

1 (Optional): [player] = The player that you want to check the sounds.

/playmoresounds toggle [player]

Toggle the sounds to on or off.

1 (Optional): [player] = The player that you want to toggle the sounds.

/playmoresounds update

Checks for updates and gives you the link of the latest build.
