PlayerTrails introduces amazing trail effects left behind players locations if they have permission! Includes head tails which fire every 5 ticks and feet trails which fire when you move!
* 21 unique trails
* head trails which fire every 5 ticks
* feet trails which fire when you move
* per-world trails
* easy item menu to choose trail - /trail to set feet trail, /trail head to set head trail
* set players trails using command blocks! /trail (player) (type) or /trail head (player) (type). you can use @p or @r in the command block also, i have not tested @a.
* trail (type) - Sets your feet trail
* trail head (type) - Sets your head trail
* trail - Opens item menu to set feet trail
* trail head - Opens item menu to set head trail
* trail (player) (type) - Set another players feet trail
* trail head (player) (type) - Set another players head trail
* trail list - Shows you a list of the trails.
* trail help - Displays the help page.
* trail off - Turns your feet trail off
* trail head off - Turns your head trail off
Note - when using the item menu to pick your trail, if you choose a trail that requires an argument it will send you a message saying "=== Please Enter Arguments ==". You then just have to enter what argument you want, just say it no commands. so you could say for mob trail "slime" or "zombie".
* - Permission to turn off your trail
* - Permission to turn someone else's trail off
* - Permission for the help page
* trail.reload - Permission to reload config
* trail.list - Permission to list trails
* trail.other - Permission to set other players trails
* trail.(trailName) - Permission for the given trail name
* ONLY IF THE TRAIL TAKES ARGUMENTS - trail.(trailName).(arg) - Permission for the specific argument for the given trail
This plugin uses an updating api to automatically download updated from bukkitdev. the auto-updater page can be found: Here Auto-Updating can be turned off by opening the file "/plugins/updater/config.yml" and changing "disable: false" to "disable: true".
This plugin uses metrics to record data. If you wish to turn this off simply go to your plugins folder then into the PluginMetrics folder and then open the file config.yml and change opt-out: false to opt-out: true. Metrics is helpful to see stats about how your plugin is going, like how many servers are using it.
Examples of what data Metrics collects:
* Server Type / Version
* Java Version
* Minecraft Version
* Metrics version!
* Amount of players
* Operating system & version
* Auth mode
What data metrics does not collect:
* IPs
* Nicknames
Here is one of the graphs that metrics generates:
The source for playertrails can be found within the playertrails jar file.
Everything in this video still currently works however some new features have been added since its creation.
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Is there a way I can link the "/trail" command to an item? Ex: Right-click Green Dye for Trail GUI to open.
Does this work on Spigot 1.7.10?
Is there a way to lower the amount of particles for each one ? some of them fill the screen and you can't appreciate the effect or are annoying to other players.
I agree. Should let us set how fast/slow it happens in the config.
Still hoping to hear back on the timings issues we have been reporting. I don't know about everyone else, but with the new EULA enforcement, we are relying on this plugin to be a major perk for our donators. My server is small and we don't have much, but we would be willing to pitch in on a larger donation if we could have the timings fixed!! This is just so resource intensive, I don't know how anyone could offer this to more than 10-15 players...
Other things I need to figure out: Can I allow certain mobs as a trail through permissions?
What about the ability to toggle more than one trail at a time?
Thoughts and ideas?
2 Questions: 1. Does This Work Well on Spigot? 2. Is their a Trail.*?
I agree with Rocky. While checking my timings currently the heaviest plugin I have is Trails :L It works fine but it seems to be heavy on the lag please fix ASAP thank you :) ^ Timings report.
Hey dude :)
I'm using your plugin and for some reason, some of the trails dont seem to work (Show up)
Could you help me solve this problem?
Erm... this was the perfect plugin until I noticed that I can't just force a trail on a player, so they have to pay to get a trail, any way this is possible?
You do not need to me message when you use this plugin called "your trail has been set to the <name> trail"
I used a translator to these texts
Also, I have been watching my timings and PT is running at nearly 300.00 s . That is twice of what World Guard runs and is bringing me to 18.8 TPS. Surely these numbers are unintended. We run Spigot 1491.
Trails v2.48 Total: 291.274 s Pct: 0.95% Pct Total Pct Tick Total Avg Count Event 0.93% 4.94% 286.273 s 2.4707 ms 115.87k Task: (interval 5) 0.02% 0.01% 4.995 s 0.0052 ms 969.40k PlayerMoveEvent 0.00% 0.01% 0.004 s 0.0043 ms 0.90k PlayerExpChangeEvent 0.00% 0.02% 0.001 s 0.0099 ms 0.08k PlayerJoinEvent 0.00% 0.01% 0.000 s 0.0065 ms 0.07k PlayerQuitEvent 0.00% 0.14% 0.000 s 0.0688 ms 0.01k Task: (Single)
Is there anything I can do to clean this up?
Hey mayby you could add message customization like prefixes and stuff?
I seem to be unable to give permissions for specific mob trails, what is the string for that?
And I saw some one brought up players being able to remove items from the trail menu? Can we get a fix for that?
Permission : trail.Love doesnt seem to work
Love trail doesnt show up
Maakt niet uit joh! Bedankt!
Sorry dat ik je niet kon helpen. Succes met je server!
Ik draai ook op Spigot, en ik heb iedereen al de permission "trail.*" gegeven, en de permissions die ze niet mogen hebben geblokkeerd, maar het werkt nog steeds niet. Ach ja, laat maar zitten. Dan maar zonder block en mob trails. ;)
Wij draaien op Spigot en Bungee. Ik zou het anders ook niet echt weten. Wat echt de allerlaatste mogelijkheid zal zijn, is dat je ze toegang geeft tot elke node en dan de enige die ze niet mogen gebruiken blokkeren.
Ik weet niet wat jij gebruikt maar ik zie niet welke permission ik mis. Ik probeer de permissions met block id's te doen, ook met een argument erachter, maar het werkt nog steeds niet. Ik zie ook geen ''=== Please Enter Arguments ==". Ik heb trouwens ook gekeken naar SmokeTrail maar die heeft geen GUI menu, en ik heb niet echt zin om alles met Chest Commands GUI te doen.
Zo te lezen moet je niet ''trail.block.<effect>'' doen. Er moet een argument achter staan. Als je de trail wilt uitvoeren als /manuadd <jouwnaam> default en /deop, krijg je dan ''=== Please Enter Arguments =="? Zo niet, check dan direct je console voor een debug message. Vaak zegt spigot/bukkit welke permissie je mist, en dan weet je precies welke je moet toevoegen. Deze plugin is verschrikkelijk ingewikkeld gecodeert. Ik had het persoonlijk heel anders gedaan waarbij je je eigen nodes kan maken en toevoegen. Anyway, let me know!
ps: probeer eens ''trail.block.<effect>.leukeffect''. Je hebt dan je trail een argument gegeven.
Als dit allemaal niet lukt moet je SmokeTrail gebruiken. Die doet precies het zelfde en is 1.7.9 compatible.