Create and restore snapshots of player dat files containing their gear, inventory, enderchest, level and location.
Be sure to subscribe to file updates.
- Take snapshot upon player entering a world.
- Take snapshot upon player leaving a world.
- Take snapshot upon player death.
- Take periodic snapshots at set intervals.
- Take manual snapshops of player's dat files.
- Restore snapshot via command, takes effect upon log off.
- Automatic culling of old snapshots.
- Supports UUID dat files. (v0.7)
- Java 6+
- A permissions plugin.
- Add the PlayerSnapshots.jar to your server's plugins folder.
- Start the server, enjoy.
- /ps version: Get the current version of the plugin.
- /ps reload: Reload the config.
- /ps create: Create a snapshot of a player.
- /ps search: Show snapshots of a player.
- /ps restore: Restore a snapshot to its owner.
- /ps restoreto: Restore a snapshot to a specific player.
- /ps rename: Rename an existing snapshot.
- /ps delete: Delete an existing snapshot.
- ps.user:
- ps.snapshot.periodic
- ps.snapshot.player-death
- ps.snapshot.player-login
- ps.admin:
- ps.create
- ps.reload
- ps.restore
- ps.restoreto
- ps.rename
- ps.delete
- properties
- use-metrics: Let know you're running the plugin.
- debug-messages: Send some debug messages to console.
- default-lifetime: How long to keep snapshots.
- periodic-snapshots:
- enabled: Enabled/disabled.
- lifetime: How long to keep periodic snapshots.
- interval: When to take the snapshot.
- event-snapshots:
- player-death: Take snapshots upon player death. When restored they'll be alive at the location they died at.
- player-login: Take snapshots upon player login.
- world-enter: Take snapshots upon player entering a world.
- world-leave: Take snapshots upon player leaving a world (doesn't include nether/end portal usage).
This plugin utilizes Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
Read more here. This functionality can be disabled in the config file.
Source available here.
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