PlayerPoints - The most noble currency for your server.
Use examples:
- Admins and Mods give points to the players if they have built a good building. When you reach a specific amount of points you become Moderator
- Use Points as additional currency
- Use Points as premium currency with which players can buy the most awesome stuff. Players get Points by voting for your server.
- Connect PlayerPoints with useful plugins like BossShop
For online mode servers, this plugin makes connections to to get offline player UUIDs.
- Give points to players
- Take points of players
- Pay points to players
- Look, how many points other players have
- Look, how many points you have
- Leader board
- Permissions Support
- Optional Vault support
- Buy things with points (BossShop)
- Supported by many awesome plugins
- /points pay <name> <amount>
- /points give <name> <amount>
- /points take <name> <amount>
- /points set <name> <amount>
- /points reset <name>
- /points look <name>
- /points me
- /points lead [next/prev/#]
- Shortcut: /p <give/take/look/me/pay/set/reset>
- PlayerPoints.give
- PlayerPoints.take
- PlayerPoints.set
- PlayerPoints.reset
- PlayerPoints.look
- PlayerPoints.lead
- Per-World support
We support Maven. Just add our repository:
<repository> <id>dakani</id> <name>Dakani Nexus Repo</name> <url></url> </repository>
And add PlayerPoints as a dependency:
<dependency> <groupId>org.black_ixx</groupId> <artifactId>PlayerPoints</artifactId> <version>2.1.3</version> </dependency>
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Can you update without the SQLibrary dependency, because a i have problems with this plugin.
I take it back, I've made the changes and did a quick test. Looks like it works properly. Try the build here: Build #4
You should have a new config option under mysql.table that lets you specify the table name. Let me know if anything doesn't work.
It's unlikely to be done any time soon. A Jenkins plugin corrupted my install, did a fresh install without saving my .m2 repo, so I can't build any of my old projects anymore.
AFAIK, you would need to add a property in the config, then update DatabaseStorage and its subclasses to reference that property in the SQL statements.
I've been asking for this for months but it doesn't look like we'll get it. Have you by any chance found an alternative?
Great plugin!
Can you add an option to be able to chose the table name, I have multiple servers and i want to have different points per server.
I hope latest version playerpoints can support the of MCPC1.7.2 thankļ¼
Is there something specific missing from the localization.yml that you need control over? I know that the leadership header is current not modifiable, but not sure if I'd get around to that.
See above.
Many other people including myself would really appreciate this :(
How about a messages.yml ? ;-;
I haven't tested 1.8, so YMMV. The source has been available on GitHub since early on in the project. No one has asked to maintain it or provided any PRs to the repository.
Is there a posibility of this addon still working under spigot/bukkit 1.8.x? If not, it would be really nice to have the source available for someone else to take over, there's quite a few plugins that work with Playerpoints.
Hopefully that's possible :)
Can you send me your config.yml? Maybe i'll have a look at it, because I have mine setup and it's functioning 100%.
I'm trying to use this on a network, all server have the plugin and are connected to the same database but points don't sync, any reason why?
same here, it spams all the times....
I keep getting my console spammed with "An error occurred while getting PlayerPoints for {player}" Only spams it for some players.
Everything seems to be working though.
Mysql, spigot 1.8.3. sqlibrary.
How can i configure it so that a player gets points when he gets a kill?
It's because you're trying to use MySQL but you're missing the library requirement, SQLibrary.
somesone got a equal alternative? if is abbandoned...
Hey man in 1.8 is buged. I use MYSQL my console say: