PlayerPoints - The most noble currency for your server.
Use examples:
- Admins and Mods give points to the players if they have built a good building. When you reach a specific amount of points you become Moderator
- Use Points as additional currency
- Use Points as premium currency with which players can buy the most awesome stuff. Players get Points by voting for your server.
- Connect PlayerPoints with useful plugins like BossShop
For online mode servers, this plugin makes connections to to get offline player UUIDs.
- Give points to players
- Take points of players
- Pay points to players
- Look, how many points other players have
- Look, how many points you have
- Leader board
- Permissions Support
- Optional Vault support
- Buy things with points (BossShop)
- Supported by many awesome plugins
- /points pay <name> <amount>
- /points give <name> <amount>
- /points take <name> <amount>
- /points set <name> <amount>
- /points reset <name>
- /points look <name>
- /points me
- /points lead [next/prev/#]
- Shortcut: /p <give/take/look/me/pay/set/reset>
- PlayerPoints.give
- PlayerPoints.take
- PlayerPoints.set
- PlayerPoints.reset
- PlayerPoints.look
- PlayerPoints.lead
- Per-World support
We support Maven. Just add our repository:
<repository> <id>dakani</id> <name>Dakani Nexus Repo</name> <url></url> </repository>
And add PlayerPoints as a dependency:
<dependency> <groupId>org.black_ixx</groupId> <artifactId>PlayerPoints</artifactId> <version>2.1.3</version> </dependency>
Trello Dev board
Visit the Trello board to see the current todo list for all projects.
You can comment and vote on any of the topics there.
All changes on the Trello board are in real-time.
is there a way to add a history feature for /points pay ?
it would be nice to see who has given you points or points you have given people
Ahoj, chci se zeptat jak mám nastavit MySQL, protože mě to nefunguje.
Does this work with 1.15.2? Please dm me via discord, Taken#1582
Hi. I was wondering if someone knew (or Mitsugaru/iFelixxx) could fix a permission based multiplier so that e.g vips could get 1.25x the points that normal players get
Please show the new file to indicate it still exists! Thank you
Hello. Can you please add the username to MYSQL?
I mean it's only saving the UUID wich is random on my cracked server and I'll like to display the points on a webpage but it's only saving the UUID and the username so I can't get the players points with mysql
Hope you understood.
Sorry for bad English. :D
please update to 1.11.2
Hello, may I make a sponge version?
Heeyloo fellars
i am a newbie into server´s but working on it . what is MAVEN .. i run an spigot server newest version i have learned to make my own spigot jar files with build tools yes im a newbie i know ,,, but what is MAVEN then,,, i dont know what it is
In reply to Forge_User_41522471:
Maven is a build automation, it is used with a script in an IDE by developers to compile their code into a jar file.
That's the basic explanation :)
In reply to xsmethsx:
Maven is not build automation, that's gradle. Maven is a format for deploying and retrieving built resources to and from repositories.
How do you change the in game prefix [playerpoints] of this plugin to something else? Thank you
Add PlaceHolders ! PLEASE
Example: %mypoints%
PLEASE: Add PlaceHolderApi Support !
Will it update to 1.12?
Establishing SSL connection without server's identity verification is not recommended. According to MySQL 5.5.45+, 5.6.26+ and 5.7.6+ requirements SSL connection must be established by default if explicit option isn't set. For compliance with existing applications not using SSL the verifyServerCertificate property is set to 'false'. You need either to explicitly disable SSL by setting useSSL=false, or set useSSL=true and provide truststore for server certificate verification.
Please fix this, anoying~
Please add useSSL=false
Error with MySQL
I noticed in the localization you have the "tag" variable. Anyway we can change the tag to our own custom name and command alias like coins or crowns?
Fix mysql pls