Version: 2.9.1
CraftBukkit Build 1.5.1-R0.1 [Not Tested]
Info This plugin lets you store every block place, block break, chat msg, command, enchant, kill, sign text etc. So, if you need proof of something just look them up! You can turn on and off what you actually want or don't want to log, in the main configuration file! The main developer is Kuuichi. I am just continuing and adding stuff. I am obligated to continue this plugin. The forum is and has been accepted.
Great video made by Brandon Hopkins
- Chat Logging
- IP Logging ( Implemented by Mcluke300 )
- Join Logging
- Quit Logging ( Implemented by Mcluke300 )
- Command Logging
- Death Logging
- Console Logging ( Implemented by Mcluke300 )
- Blacklist Block Logging ( Implemented by Mcluke300 )
- Sign Text Logging ( Implemented by Mcluke300 )
- Pvp Logging ( Implemented by Mcluke300 )
- Enchantment Loggin ( Implemented by Mcluke300 )
- Commands not to log ( Implemented by Mcluke300 )
- Bucket Logging ( Implemented by Mcluke300 )
- Metrics
- MySQL support
Log Example
[World One]McLuke300 joined: (-27 64 220) (06-26-2012 20:03:48)
[World One]McLuke300 Killed TestyWestie (-18 64 220) (06-26-2012 19:37:30)
[World One]McLuke300 said: Example chat (-21 64 220) (06-26-2012 20:02:06)
[World One]McLuke300 command: /home (-20 64 219) (06-26-2012 20:02:08)
[World One]McLuke300 Sign: [McLukes][Home][][] (-22 64 222) (06-26-2012 20:02:22)
[World One]McLuke300 command: /give McLuke300 46 1 (-22 64 223) (06-26-2012 20:02:26)
[World One]McLuke300 Placed: TNT (-26 64 218) (06-26-2012 20:02:28)
[World One]McLuke300 Placed: TNT (-26 64 219) (06-26-2012 20:02:29)
[World One]McLuke300 command: /god (-32 64 212) (06-26-2012 20:02:36)
[World One]McLuke300 command: /suicide (-26 64 216) (06-26-2012 20:02:39)
[World One]McLuke300 Died. (-26 64 216) (06-26-2012 20:02:40)
[World One]06-26-2012 20:03:21 [McLuke300]ItemStack{STONE_SWORD x 1} {Enchantment[16, DAMAGE_ALL]=1} Xp Cost:3
[World One]McLuke300 Emptied Bucket of Water (-26 63 224) (06-26-2012 20:08:53)
[World One]McLuke300 Emptied Bucket of Lava (-26 63 221) (06-26-2012 20:08:54)
[World One]McLuke300 quit: 06-26-2012 20:03:45)
[Console]kick McLuke300 05-27 03:46:42
File: LogToFiles: true //False if you want to use just mysql Log: //Log Joins PlayerJoins: true // Log Player quitting PlayerQuit: true //Log Chat PlayerChat: true //Log all Player commands PlayerCommands: true //Log Player deaths PlayerDeaths: true //Log enchantments PlayerEnchants: true //Log Pvp Pvp: true //Log Buckets Placed PlayerBucketPlace: true //Log Console commands ConsoleCommands: true //Log Player sign text PlayerSignText: true //A reload of server is required for this to take effect DateFormat: MM-dd-yyy HH:mm:ss //If this is true it will make the folder Playerlogger/Staff and all players with the Playerlogger.staff permission will be in there not Users SeparateFolderforStaff: true //False by default- Useful for offline servers where players can change capitalization in name and have a different file. All file names are in lowercase PlayerNamestoLowerCase: false //When true it will only log the players with the playerlogger.staff permissions LogOnlyStaff: false BlackList: LogBlackListedBlocks: true //Enables logging of blacklisted blocks Blocks: - '7' //Bedrock Block id - '46' - '57' - '*' //This will log all block place and breaks Commands: BlackListCommands: true //Enables Command Blacklisting (eg.wont log) BlackListCommandsForMySQL: true If this is true and blacklistcommands false it will blacklist commands for mysql and not files. CommandsToBlock: - /login //Wont log /login - /changepassword - /register MySQL: //More Information Below Enabled: true Server: Database: minecraft User: root Password: '0000'
For a full guide on how to use MySQL with playerlogger look at the page for it.
When I add spawner eggs ID's into the blockedBlocks the config resets.
Update do 1.8 please
Hey, fix this plugin please. Metrics make crash my server.
please, update to 1.7.2 :)
Please add anvil book logger
[20:52:40 WARN]: [Server] Probable Plugin cause: 'PlayerLogger' [20:52:40 WARN]: [Server] What follows is the stack trace of the main thread [20:52:40 WARN]: [Server] at Method) [20:52:40 WARN]: [Server] at [20:52:40 WARN]: [Server] at [20:52:40 WARN]: [Server] at [20:52:40 WARN]: [Server] at [20:52:40 WARN]: [Server] at [20:52:40 WARN]: [Server] at [20:52:40 WARN]: [Server] at [20:52:40 WARN]: [Server] at [20:52:40 WARN]: [Server] at me.mcluke300.playerlogger.MetricsLite.postPlugin( [20:52:40 WARN]: [Server] at me.mcluke300.playerlogger.MetricsLite.access$4( [20:52:40 WARN]: [Server] at me.mcluke300.playerlogger.MetricsLite$ [20:52:40 WARN]: [Server] at [20:52:40 WARN]: [Server] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_7_R1.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat( [20:52:40 WARN]: [Server] at net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R1.MinecraftServer.u( [20:52:40 WARN]: [Server] at net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R1.DedicatedServer.u( [20:52:40 WARN]: [Server] at net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R1.MinecraftServer.t( [20:52:40 WARN]: [Server] at [20:52:40 WARN]: [Server] at [20:52:52 WARN]: [Server] The main thread is still stuck, current loop line is: [20:52:52 WARN]: [Server] at [20:52:52 WARN]: [Server] This appears to be plugin 'PlayerLogger'!
У меня ошибка. Здесь ответа нет!
Я стал использовать
Works with 1.7.2?
Help! Crash server log file: 18.01 05:41:16 [Multicraft] Error loading server settings. 18.01 05:41:11 [Multicraft] Server stopped 18.01 05:41:11 [Multicraft] Server shut down 18.01 05:41:11 [Multicraft] Forcefully killing server 18.01 05:41:10 [Multicraft] Terminating server via signal 18.01 05:40:47 [Server] ERROR me.mcluke300.playerlogger.MetricsLite$ 18.01 05:40:47 [Server] ERROR me.mcluke300.playerlogger.MetricsLite.access$4( 18.01 05:40:47 [Server] ERROR me.mcluke300.playerlogger.MetricsLite.postPlugin( 18.01 05:40:47 [Server] ERROR Source) 18.01 05:40:47 [Server] ERROR Source) 18.01 05:40:47 [Server] ERROR Source) 18.01 05:40:47 [Server] ERROR Source) 18.01 05:40:47 [Server] ERROR Source) 18.01 05:40:47 [Server] ERROR Source) 18.01 05:40:47 [Server] ERROR<init>(Unknown Source) 18.01 05:40:47 [Server] ERROR Source) 18.01 05:40:47 [Server] ERROR Source) 18.01 05:40:47 [Server] ERROR Source) 18.01 05:40:47 [Server] ERROR Source) 18.01 05:40:47 [Server] ERROR Source) 18.01 05:40:47 [Server] ERROR Source) 18.01 05:40:47 [Server] ERROR Source) 18.01 05:40:47 [Server] ERROR Source) 18.01 05:40:47 [Server] ERROR Source) 18.01 05:40:47 [Server] ERROR Method) 18.01 05:40:47 [Server] ERROR Stack: 18.01 05:40:47 [Server] ERROR PID: 13 | Suspended: false | Native: true | State: RUNNABLE 18.01 05:40:47 [Server] ERROR Current Thread: Server thread 18.01 05:40:47 [Server] ERROR
------18.01 05:40:47 [Server] ERROR Server thread dump (Look for plugins here before reporting to Spigot!): 18.01 05:40:47 [Server] ERROR------18.01 05:40:47 [Server] ERROR Spigot version: git-Spigot-1241 (MC: 1.7.2) 18.01 05:40:47 [Server] ERROR Be sure to include ALL relevant console errors and Minecraft crash reports 18.01 05:40:47 [Server] ERROR Please report this to 18.01 05:40:47 [Server] ERROR The server has stopped responding! 18.01 05:40:38 [Multicraft] Stopping server! 18.01 05:40:38 [Multicraft] Ping timeout! Restarting server...If I delete PlayerLogger the server is operating normally
It can be, but it depends on the number of players online and how active they are. Unfortunately, everything is done synchronously so any slight delay on the DB can cause lag spikes and a slow DB can cause tick lag. I'm going to either create a whole new plugin which uses async tasks, or maybe just modify this one to be much more efficient.
Same question ass add5star. Is this plugin dead? It's an absolute must-have, it would be a shame.
Is this plugin performance intensive? Not sure if it'l make my server have TPS issues?
Hi, Is this plugin abandoned? The github code seems to be out of date (still v2.9). I was looking to convert it to use all async threads for DB writing, as any small DB delay locks up the main thread. I'd be happy to share the code as a PR if you can update github with the latest code? Thanks :D
Sorry for the late reply, player logger didn't have timings anymore, i don't know why... anyway now i am using spigot, it is much better :)
Do all of your plugins have high timings? Normally this doesn't happen unless theirs OS problems.
And sometimes this Event use may system resource...
15.05% 95.18% 104.741 s 47.5881 ms 2.20k PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent
You can copy the image link, then you can see it
You cut out the events, could you show them? I'm working on an update.
Some times use many resource... why?