This plugin is mainly designed as an API but if you use it standalone on your server it will act as a new health system!
Plugin Developers
To use the API just drop the plugin into you're java build path.
PlayerBar.getHealth(player) Will return the health of a specific player.
PlayerBar.getMaxHealth(player) Will return a player max health.
PlayerBar.getMessage(player) Will return the message displayed on a player's bar.
PlayerBar.hasHealth(player) Will return if the player has a bar or not.
PlayerBar.setHealth(player, health, livingEntity, killAble) Will set a player's health, if the player wasn't hit by anything set the livingEntity as null and if the player wont die from the event set the killAble as false.
PlayerBar.updateBar(player, livingEntity, killAble) Will update the bar for a player, leave the livingEnitty as null if the player wasn't hit by something and set killAble as false if the player can't die from the specific event.
PlayerBar.setMainDisplay(player) Will display the bar of a specific player on everyone's screen.
Metadata You can get a players "playerBarHealth" metadata to get his health, if you don't want to use the plugin API it'self!
If you change the damage of the EntityDamageByEntityEvent the damage taken should decrease the player health.
Custom Event
event.getAttacker() Returns the entity which attacked the player, if none will return null.
event.getHealth() Returns the player health after being changed.
event.getMaxHealth() Returns the player max health.
event.getPercentage() Returns player's ..% health.
event.getPlayer() Returns the player triggering the event.
Use "HealthUpdateEvent" to trigger the event!
Increase Health After Time: true - Set to false if you don't want players to regen hp.
Increase If Player Has Hunger: true - Set to false if you want players always to regen hp.
Health Type: bar - Sets the type of bar which will be used ( bar, normal, text ) [ Keep in mind to restart the server if you change this and you use v0.4! ]
Update Time: 5000 - Set the amount of times for the players to gain hp ( milliseconds ).
Health Increased After Time: 1 - Set the health regenerated every update.
Message: 'You have %health% health and level %level%' - Set's the message on the base ( tags supported: %name%, %level%, %health% , %maxHealth%, %expToLevel%, %food%, %flySpeed%, %speed%).
Default Max Health: 20 - Set's the default max health, which will be set when a player joins for the first time.
Plugins using PlayerBar
Send me a private message with you're plugin if you are using PlayerBar.
What this actually does
If you use this plugin all by it'self it will change the minecraft old healthbar to a new one way more configureable!
This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to
- A unique identifier.
- The server's version of Java.
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode.
- The plugin's version.
- The server's version.
- The OS version/name and architecture.
- The core count for the CPU.
- The number of players online.
- The Metrics version.
- Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.
This plugins changes the way minecraft health works, keep that in mind!
I am using the latest version with skillApi, and the heal does gets stucked at the one you determine in playerbar's config, I want to get a default 20 hp and then by leveling up (everything ok on the skillApi's configuration) get more hp but with player bar it just bugs. Any solution?
So i have noticed a rather alarming bug (if not intentional, not configurable). - Potions will always heal 100% hp - some health commands such as essentials /heal have no effect
I'm using the latest release of your plugin and bukkit's current beta for 1.7.9
I may add that if I'll have some time.
I think Minecraft's default threshold of 90% is way too high as it forces people to eat every other minute to keep health regeneration up and they waste food by over-eating.
I don't want to disable the need to eat food altogether. Basically, the ability to lower the hunger threshold is all I'm missing with PlayerBar.
I've checked the plugin and everything, I don't get any error.
I get a ClassNotFoundException: com.Senan.PlayerBar.PlayerBar
I'll add both reviews, btw except a pretty important update really soon.
I made a german review:
If any good MMORPG-alike dev reads this, add me on skype, id wowhelp12.
Uploaded a new version!
I'm going to see what I can do about a update.
Maybe, if this version doesn't work.
Any plans to update to cb1.7.2r-0.3?
Well, I've started doing paid plugins, but if you really want me to update this one, just tell me what you want updated.
Are you updating this plugin? It is a solid so wanted Idea, we need you :D
This plugin is can solve the Health can't too long. But with many plug-ins are not compatible.For example: Loretest or Levelhealth and so on. I hope someone can be solved.This is one of my favorite plug-in
Allright, that's a part of the API now.
Server features please! If you're not sure what to do next, the player boss bar thing would be very much appreciated, not to mention totally unique, as far as I know. :D
What do you guys want on the next update, new API features, or server features?
Cool plugin!