Usage/Configuration (4.x-5.x)

Configuration (4.x - 5.x)

The following configuration settings can be changed in the PlayerHeads config.yml file found in the plugins directory.  These can also be changed or viewed by using the /ph config ... commands ingame.


Config Default Ranges Description Version Added
pkonly true [true/false] When true trophies only drop when a player kills another player (as opposed to self drowning, etc)
droprate 0.05 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a trophy will drop when a player dies (1 is 100%, 0 is never)
lootingrate 0.2 [0.0 -> 1.0] Increases all droprates by lootingrate percent per looting level when a enchanted weapon is used
mobpkonly true [true/false] When true mob trophies only drop when a player kills the mob (as opposed to a lava blade or fall death)
fixcase true [true/false] When spawning/renaming heads, will attempt to make the input case insensitive
updatecheck true [true/false] Checks for update on startup and messages admins a link to download the next version
broadcast true [true/false] Sends a global or local message when someone gets beheaded
broadcastrange 0 [positive int] Radial distance in meters in which other players will hear the [player] broadcast message (0 is unlimited)
broadcastmob false [true/false] Sends a global or local message when someone beheads a mob v5+
broadcastmobrange 0 [positive int] Radial distance in meters in which other players will hear the [mob] broadcast message (0 is unlimited) v5+
antideathchest false [true/false] Do not allow other plugins to fiddle with dropping player heads, makes certain they drop on the ground
dropboringplayerheads false [true/false] Drop plain heads when a player dies, instead of the player's head
dropvanillaheads true [true/false]

Sets whether vanilla mobheads or skinned playerheads are preferred for mob head drops.

Breaking a head block also uses this setting if convertvanillaheads is enabled.

Only effects mobs with vanilla head items: creeper, skeleton, zombie, witherskeleton, dragon - others always use skinned heads.

convertvanillaheads false [true/false] When false, avoid converting the type head of when its block is broken. When true (or pre-4.2), the head is automatically converted to vanilla or skinned depending on the state of dropvanillaheads setting. v4.2+
nerfdeathspam false [true/false] If true, don't drop a head when a player has died recently to the same killer (within a threshold). This alleviates some ability to farm heads.
If pkonly is disabled, a player dying repeatedly to mobs is also nerfed similarly under this option.
addlore true [true/false] If true (or prior to v4.6), lore based on LORE_PLUGIN_NAME and LORE_HEAD_* entries can be added to custom head-items. If false, no lore is ever added. v4.6+
clickspamcount 5 [positive int] Number of click interactions on heads to record for spam detection. v4.7+
clickspamthreshold 1000 [positive int] Amount of miliseconds to detect matching click interactions on heads for spam detection. v4.7+
deathspamcount 5 [positive int] Number of player deaths to record for spam detection (if nerfdeathspam is enabled). v4.7+
deathspamthreshold 300000 (5 minutes) [positive int] Amount of miliseconds to detect matching player deaths for spam detection (if nerfdeathspam is enabled). v4.7+
fixdroppedheads true [true/false] When enabled, attempt to automatically update the name and lore on dropped head-items. (helps with water/pistons removing information) v4.9+
fixbrokenheads true [true/false] When enabled or prior to 5.2.12, attempt to automatically update the name and lore on items from players breaking head-blocks. v5.2.12+
restoreprofile true [true/false] When enabled, attempt to restore profile information (name,id,texture) on a head item after it is replaced with one of the above "fix" methods. If this is disabled (or prior to 5.2.12), new information is generated when fixing the head v5.2.12+
requireitem false [true/false] If true, an item in the 'requireditems' list must be held in the main hand to behead. v5+
requireditems [axes] [string list] A lowercase list of Bukkit Materials that permit beheading when held in the main hand, if 'requireitem' is enabled. v5+
ignoredheadnames [CSCoreLib,CsCoreLib,CS-CoreLib] [string list] A list of head owner usernames that PlayerHeads will avoid interacting with/modifying for better third-party plugin support. v5.2.3+
ignoredheaduuids [] [string list] A list of head owner UUID strings that PlayerHeads will avoid interacting with/modifying for better third-party plugin support. v5.2.3+
considermobkillers false [true/false] If true, consider Mobs responsible for deaths as "killers" as well. This enables effects 'requireitem' and 'lootingrate' for the mob. v5+
considertameowner false [true/false] If true, consider Tamed mobs (Wolf) attacks to come from their owner. Requires 'considermobkillers' to be enabled. v5+
slimemodifier   [section] Configuration section containing modifiers for each size of slime (1-4). These are multiplied against the base droprate for the mob. (for example: slimemodifier.1: 0.5 halves the smallest slime's droprate) v5.1+
chargedcreeperbehavior ignore [string] Sets the behavior of how PlayerHeads should handle charged-creeper-related head drops. "ignore" maintains the old behavior where vanilla head drops are not accounted for and PlayerHeads may also add its own depending on the roll. "vanilla" prevents PlayerHeads from interfering. "block" disallows any head drop. "replace" blocks the vanilla drop and adds a normal PlayerHeads roll. This setting requires considermobkillers to be enabled, otherwise the behavior is always "ignore". v5.2+
chargedcreepermodifier 1.0 [0.0 -> 1.0] Sets the multiplier for the head droprate when the death is charged-creeper-related. This setting requires considermobkillers to be enabled and chargedcreeperbehavior to be set to ignore or replace. v5.2+
witherskeletonbehavior ignore [string] Sets the behavior of how PlayerHeads should handle witherskeleton head drops. "ignore" sets that vanilla head drops are not accounted for and PlayerHeads may also add its own depending on the roll. "vanilla" prevents PlayerHeads from interfering. "block" disallows any head drop. "replace" blocks the vanilla drop and adds a normal PlayerHeads roll as with old behavior. This option is superceded by chargedcreeperbehavior. v5.2.1+
delaywitherdrop false [true/false] If true, the drop of the wither boss head is delayed by a time set by delaywitherdropms to prevent getting destroyed. The item is dropped separately, like if antideathchest was enabled. v5.2.1+
delaywitherdropms 250 [positive int] Sets the time (in milliseconds) to delay the wither boss head drop, if delaying is enabled. Only multiples of 50ms are considered due to tick constraints. v5.2.1+
pretestblockbreak true [true/false] If true (or prior to 5.2.8), send a simulated blockbreak to test protection/anticheat plugins before allowing a head to be broken. Disabling this may break support for NoCheatPlus. v5.2.8+


Implementation note:

Ignored head names are case-sensitive and reflect the internal owner name value (as seen by the /data command, not the Display Name).

Threshold conditions for nerfdeathspam by version (if enabled):

  • in v4.3+ a matching death within 5 minutes, and within 5 preceding player deaths is considered spam.
  • in v4.7+ a matching death within [deathspamthreshold] miliseconds, and within [deathspamcount] preceding player deaths is considered spam. (by default the same as v4.3)

(both threshold conditions still check for if the killer was the same, or was unknown/mob-related)


Mob drop-rate configuration

Config Default Ranges Description Version Added
creeperdroprate 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a creeper dies
zombiedroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a zombie dies
skeletondroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a skeleton dies
witherskeletondroprate 0.025 [0.0 -> 1.0],-1

Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a wither skeleton dies.

Note: when this value is negative, drops are not modified.

spiderdroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a spider dies
endermandroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when an enderman dies
blazedroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a blaze dies
donkeydroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a donkey dies
horsedroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a horse dies
squiddroprate 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a squid dies
silverfishdroprate 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a silverfish dies
enderdragondroprate 0.05 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when an ender dragon dies
slimedroprate 0.001 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a slime dies
irongolemdroprate 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when an iron golem dies
mushroomcowdroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a mushroom cow dies
batdroprate 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a bat dies
zombifiedpiglindroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a pig zombie dies.
(was 'pigzombiedroprate' prior to v5.2.9)
snowmandroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a snowman dies
ghastdroprate 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a ghast dies
pigdroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a pig dies
villagerdroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a villager dies
sheepdroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a sheep dies
cowdroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a cow dies
chickendroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a chicken dies
ocelotdroprate 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when an ocelot dies
witchdroprate 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a witch dies
magmacubedroprate 0.001 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a magma cube dies
wolfdroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a wolf dies
cavespiderdroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a cave spider dies
rabbitdroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a rabbit dies
guardiandroprate 0.025 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a guardian dies
elderguardiandroprate 0.030 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when an elder guardian dies
polarbeardroprate 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a polarbear dies
shulkerdroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a shulker dies
straydroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a stray dies
endermitedroprate 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when an endermite dies
evokerdroprate 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when an evoker dies
illusionerdroprate 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when an illusioner dies
vindicatordroprate 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a vindicator dies
witherdroprate 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a wither boss dies
vexdroprate 0.004 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a vex dies
llamadroprate 0.008 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a llama dies
parrotdroprate 0.008 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a parrot dies
huskdroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a husk dies
zombievillagerdroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a zombie villager dies
skeletonhorsedroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a skeleton horse dies
zombiehorsedroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a zombie horse dies
muledroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a mule dies
turtledroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a turtle dies
phantomdroprate 0.001 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a phantom dies
coddroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a cod dies
salmondroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a salmon dies
pufferfishdroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a pufferfish dies
tropicalfishdroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a tropical fish dies
drowneddroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a drowned dies
dolphindroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a dolphin dies
pillagerdroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a pillager dies v4.5.1+
pandadroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a panda dies v4.5.1+
catdroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a cat dies v4.5.2+ (for 1.14)
v4.8.5+ (for all)
ravagerdroprate 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a ravager dies v4.9.3+
wanderingtraderdroprate 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a Wandering Trader dies v4.9.3+
traderllamadroprate 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a Trader Llama dies v4.9.3+
foxdroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a Fox dies v4.9.3+
beedroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a Bee dies v5.2.1+
striderdroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a Strider dies v5.2.9+
piglindroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a Piglin dies v5.2.9+
hoglindroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a Hoglin dies v5.2.9+
zoglindroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a Zoglin dies v5.2.9+
piglinbrutedroprate 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a Piglin Brute dies v5.2.10+

Underlined entries are incompatible when updating from 3.x to 4.x


Implementation note:

Stating with v5.1, setting the droprate of any mob to a negative value introduces vanilla behavior (the plugin will ignore the death event), in previous versions this only applies to the WitherSkeleton (since v3.12).


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