Ye Olde Archived Information (outdated)/Legacy version Changelog (3.x)
2018-10-21 Notice: Support for 3.x has beeen discontinued currently - consider upgrading to version 4. [patch 1 for 3.12.13] (for 1.13+)
- Fixes some issues with head detection when the owner name case changes.
- Updates some head skins
- Not recommended if you can use 4.x instead.
3.12.13 (for 1.13+)
- Changes skull and head support to work against the 1.13+ API
- Not recommended if you can use 4.x instead.
3.12.2 (for 1.12+)
- Fixes some issues with head detection when the owner name case changes.
- Updates some head skins
- Adds fallthroughs for click-info so that it should now properly work and also prevents some NullPointerExceptions on interact (already part of 3.12.13 also)
- Not recommended if you can use 4.x-backport instead.
- 3.12 (2017)
- Changes to support the 1.12+ API
- Added support for 1.12+ mobs (thanks dragoboss)
- Updated to Java 8
- Updated some custom head skins
- Fixed a NullPointerException in when formatting messages
- 3.9
3.11 (2017)
- Changed clickinfo from a config option to a permission
- Ignore cancelled skull click events
- Compiling against Spigot now (build 1649 patched with 20141001a)
- Updated custom mob head: wolf
- 3.8
- Fixed updater
- 3.7
- Updated custom mob heads: ghast, sheep (Thanks Marc Watson)
- Fixed spawn command to check for the correct permission when you type your own playername in.
- Updated to Updater 2.0
- Updated custom mob head: silverfish (Thanks XlexerX)
- 3.5
- Added/Updated custom mob heads: mushroom cow, and magma cube (Thanks Marc Watson)
- Added custom mob head: wolf
- Added custom mob head: cave spider (Thanks Marc Watson)
- Updated custom mob heads: spider, enderman, blaze, squid, irongolem, pigzombie, pig, villager, cow, chicken, ocelot (Thanks Marc Watson)
- 3.4
- Added custom mob heads: chicken, ocelot, and witch (Thanks
- Added automatic conversion from: TrophyHeads, MoreMobHeads
- Updated custom mob head: sheep (Thanks cowboys2317)
- Added cancellable events when a head drops. Adds PHBD-39
- Updated mob head drops to respect the antideathchest option
- 3.3
- Added custom mob heads: sheep and cow (Thanks Jknies)
- Added support for changing CustomSkullType player account names
- Updated custom mob head: bat (Thanks
- Added automatic conversion from HeadDrops
- Heads with incorrect skins will now update on player interact
- Adds 'broadcastrange' to only broadcast within a radius. Adds PHBD-30
- Permission node renamed to 'canlosehead'. Fixes PHBD-26
- NCP Hook by rsod
- 3.2
- Added custom mob head: pig zombie (Thanks cnaude of TrophyHeads)
- Converted to Maven
- Updated default drop rates
- Added custom mob heads: snowman, and ghast (Thanks MrLeikermoser)
- Added custom mob heads: pig, and villager (Thanks XlexerX)
- Corrected spelling errors in lang. Fixes PHBD-24
- Fixed control codes on built in heads name from Lang file not working properly
- Fixed custom heads name from Lang file not updating properly after a reload
- Added UTF-8 support for Lang files. Fixes PHBD-21
- 3.1.0093
- Added custom mob head: horse (Thanks Glompalici0us)
- Added custom mob heads: squid, silverfish, ender dragon, slime, iron golem, mushroom cow, and bat (Thanks SethBling)
- Fixed where custom mob heads would drop when destroyed in creative mode
- 3.0.0088
- Fixed ops getting the always* permission nodes
- Changed update to link to curse website, removed in-game update command
- Added optional quantity to the spawn command
- Renamed autoupdate to updatecheck
- 2.9.0084
- Fix for anti-cheat plugin
- Added ability to spawn or rename heads to mob/custom mob heads with format: # ex. #blaze
- Added config "dropboringplayerheads" to drop plain heads when a player dies, instead of the player's head
- Added permissions "playerheads.alwaysbehead" and "playerheads.alwaysbeheadmob" to ignore drop rates
- 2.8.0075
- Added "antideathchest" config
- Added custom mob drops: blaze, enderman, and spider (Thanks SethBling).
- Clickinfo now displays a message for mob heads also.
- Fixed the /reload command not working under certain circumstances
- 2.7.0069
- Added "witherdroprate" config
- Added "playerheads.spawn.forother" permission
- Updated Metrics to the newest version
- Externalized strings for translation (or just tweaking if you don't like my defaults)
- 2.6.0061
- Removed CraftBukkit dependency, now using ItemMeta
- 2.5.0060
- Added support for the breaking CraftBukkit update (build #2512/2513)
- 2.4.0057
- Bugfix: permissions were checked incorrectly under certain circumstances
- Bugfix: NoSuchMethodError for people using old CB versions
- Added functions so the CreeperHeal plugin can regenerate Skulls properly
- 2.3.0054
- Bugfix: wither skeletons should no longer drop normal skeleton heads
- Added support for the Looting enchantment
- Allowed the config:set command to unset a config if the value is left blank
- Added onTabComplete for /playerheads command
- Added "broadcast" to display a global message when someones head falls off
- Removed BlockBreakEvent and "hookbreak"
- 2.2.0047
- Added auto update checker
- Added ability to rightclick a skull to view it's skullOwner, when "clickinfo" is true
- Bugfix: attepting to spawn heads from console threw a ClassCastException
- 2.1.0042
- Changed spawn command so console can use it
- Bugfix: with any dropchance == 0, there was still a very small possibility the head would drop
- Added config: fixcase
- 2.0.0037
- Added command to rename (change skin) of the head you're holding
- 2.0.0033
- A lot of code got refactored and separated, to make everything cleaner
- mobs (zombie, skeleton, creeper) can now drop their heads in battle
- added config and permission options for mob drops
- heads should no longer duplicate when breaking them in creative mode
- added config option "clickinfo" to show who a placed head belongs to
- 1.3.0027
- Squashed 2 bugs: breaking head blocks would drop both Steve and whatever was placed, and
- using the /ph spawn command would stack the new head into an incorrect inventory slot
- 1.2.0018
- Added permissions: playerheads.canbehead, playerheads.canloosehead
- 1.1.0015
- Mining heads now drop the correct player, instead of Steve
- 1.0.0009
- Initial release