PlayerHeads v5.2.14 - preview build 2
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UploadedFeb 11, 2021
Size198.03 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.16
- 1.15
- 1.14
- 1.13
- 1.12
- 1.11
- 1.10
- 1.9
- 1.8.1
- 1.8
- Added: SetBlock command to allow creating a head block in the world. (note: the rotation may be version dependent - test before using!) Permission: playerheads.setblock. Major internal changes were required for this feature - please report any changes in behavior! Issue PLAYERHEADS-59
- Added: 'playerheads.command' permission to allow restricting access to /ph entirely (subcommands could already not be accessed without permission)
- Added: PlayerHeads now reports vanilla head-drops for other plugins to use with a new API event. Major internal changes were required for this feature - please report any changes in behavior!
- Changed: Heads from other plugins with a colon (:) in the username will be ignored automatically now.
- Changed: 'alwaysbehead[mob]' is now also set to false in the wildcard (playerheads.*) permission to further try to prevent this permission being received by accident.
- Changed: updated piglin brute head to more standard texture
- Bugfix: considertameowner and considermobkillers should now correctly affect all checks on the killer during a beheading, not only initial checks.
- Bugfix: Syntax error messages now properly use a space instead of a colon in the name
- Bugfix: profile is now properly retrieved when using 'restoreprofile' with 'fixdroppedheads' (was consided null)
- Bugfix: prevent NPE when retrieving the profile from a 'boring' playerhead.
- Bugfix: correctly shade in paperapi-support (only used for Glowstone Servers), was broken in 5.2.13
Note: This build still contains provisional heads for proposed 1.17 mobs from 5.2.13. As before, these heads are subject to change in name and texture and are not officially supported at this time except for testing and decoration. These heads cannot be guaranteed to drop in future server versions until an official spigot 1.17 server has been made and tested (far-future).
This is an alpha release - please report any unexpected changes in behavior.
API: This API version should be compatible with 5.2.9 without major changes, with the exception of getCompatibilityProvider previously deprecated (to be removed in the future) and the new Vanilla-HeadDrop event being added in this version. A new API version will be attached soon.
Compatibility Lib/API: regular Compatibility API use should be compatible with 5.2.12 without major changes. However new additions have been made. A new version will be attached soon.
This is a cross-version build that contains both native code for 1.8-1.12.2 (legacy api), 1.13-1.16.5 (1.13 api)- which is loaded conditionally.
If you use a server version within 1.8-1.12.2, please see these Notes About Backports.
If you use a Glowstone server, please see these Notes About Glowstone Support.