Player Essentials


PlayerEssentials lets you know everything there is to know about a player.

I decided to make this plugin to allow admins or anyone with permission to view information about a player.


Right now it only has 4 commands. Such as getting a players IP, their UUID, the day they first joined the server. And a command that lists a bunch of other information about a player such as op status, gamemode, uuid, ip, level, and more.

/playeressentials <sub> <target> aliases: /pe

Subs: getUUID getIP playerInfo firstJoined

Target is the name of the player you want to learn about. For example, doing /pe getuuid Justin_393 would return my UUID

Permissions: (Right now there is only 1 permission as the only commands are admin based)

playeressentials.admin defaults to op

How to install: Just download PlayerEssentials.jar and drop it in your plugins folder and restart/stop your server.

Assign permissions to players you want to use the plugin and you're good to go!

Compatible with 1.8.*

If you have any suggestions please leave a comment. If there is a bug or anything that needs fixed please make a ticket.


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