New Core Type - Mixed Materials #4

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser8614018
  • _ForgeUser8539940 created this issue Jan 15, 2013

    This may be very complicated to code, but if the cores could be a blend of materials that could be nice.

    Specifically, I would like some planets to be similar to deep mining in vanilla minecraft, with veins of diamonds in mostly stone.

    As it is, a single diamond planet is often too much. My players will typically find a diamond planet and then get bored with the game mode. Swimming in rare resource is fun for a short while, but pursuit of more is generally the driving force in exploration for survival.

    If diamonds were simply veins in stone-core planets, that should be perfect. Ideally it would be it's own core type and can be placed with its own rarity alongside the current configuration.

  • _ForgeUser8539940 added the tags New Enhancment Jan 15, 2013

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