will add machines and pipes to a Bukkit server. Pipes will be used to move blocks and items around in addition to things like smelting, brewing, and crafting while machines will do things like placing and breaking blocks. It's supposed to act more or less like BuildCraft.
There are 3 machines currently planned: A digger, which requires fuel to move and break blocks and optionally glass to lay down pipes, a builder, which requires fuel to move and blocks to place, and a track-layer (Intended for minecart tracks, but you can use it for whatever you want) that takes fuel to move and break blocks, and blocks to place.
The track-layer is a more advanced machine, combining the abilities of a digger and a builder. It also gives the option of using a secondary building pattern every 8 blocks (for powered rail and torches, or anything else you want). In order to make a machine work, the furnace must be the last block placed (Every machine has one).
Right now I'm mainly working on pipes, so the first release will most likely not have any working machines. Just the pipe system is looking pretty good now though!
Pipes are made of glass blocks. Pipes can take blocks from chests, crafting tables, furnaces, storage minecarts, brewing stands, and dispensers (which will be able to pull items in). They can put items into crafting tables, furnaces, brewing stands, storage minecarts, furnace minecarts, dispensers, and chests. Charging a pipe with redstone will make it go active, sending anything on one end straight to the other side. Watch out though- if you set up the pipe system incorrectly, there is nothing to receive the load, or the receiver has a full inventory the pipe will eject the load to prevent clogging!
With a combination of pipes and machines, you can easily make factories. You could have a digger piping blocks up to the surface where the ores are smelted and stored and the stone is smelted and made into stone bricks, which a track-layer could use to make a bridge across the ocean! Or, you could put the ores and the stone into a pickaxe factory that keeps your shop stocked up.
(This picture isn't right, I'll update it later)
Commands, Permissions, & Configuration
I'm planning on adding permissions for who can create what pipes and machines, I will see if I can find a way to prevent machines from entering protected zones, and I might add my own protections system to keep people from griefing or tapping into systems that they don't own.
I'm not planning on adding any commands.
I might make the kinds of blocks that machines can break configurable so that diggers don't drill through houses.
This will be one of my first plugins and is still being written at the moment. Expect more pictures and maybe a video as soon as I have a working version.
- Plugin can detect pipes.
- Pipes will soon be able to transport items.
I haven't had much time to work on it recently, but it's not dead yet.
dang D: i was waiting for this plugin to be released >.<
OK, I've now stopped working on this, so I'll probably just release the source code for someone else to tinker with sometime.