

PingUtils - Bungeecord

What is the difference between this version and the default one?
This version is for Bungeecord proxies and it has a little extra feature which is only possible with Bungeebord.

Extra Feature?

  • Fake the conut of the players that are currently online (changing, is added to the normal currently online value)

Extra Commands
In addition to the normal commands on the default PingUtils plugin you have no the following commands:

/pingutils setfakeonlinemaxFake online players maximum as IntegerSets the maximum value of fake online players.pingutils.setfakeonlinemax/pingutils setfakeonlinemax 50
/pingutils setfakeonlineminFake online players minimum as IntegerSets the minimum value of fake online players.pingutils.setfakeonlinemin/pingutils setfakeonlinemin 25

What for is the maximum/minimum value?
The plugin changes the Value every x seconds (can be defined in the configuration file) by default its 300 Seconds (5 Minutes). By default the plugin changes the fake online value to a new random value between the minimum and the maximum (min/max included).

I don't want that the value changes
If you don't want the value to change you can set the minimum and maximum to the same value. For example: minimum: 50, maximum: 50 and the player count would always be the online players + 50

For further information please read the main page!