Humm I'm looking for a plugin to make everyone having a job, maybe make a miner job or humm an assassin job! Well, you found the correct plugin! With this plugin, you can create, remove, change all types of jobs that you can think of and more that are now being created!
- UUID support
- Different Storage methods [YAML, MySQL, MongoDB & more]
- Multi-Language support
- Full plugin in GUI [jobs-action = 3]
- Full plugin in COMMANDS [jobs-action = 2]
- Choose from different actions e.g.: Open GUI, Use commands, and ignore!
- 100% configurable plugin
- Easy to use API
- Create your own custom jobs and edit them fully
- Frequency system, earn more need to do more
- PlaceholderAPI support to use placeholders anywhere and our own placeholders
- Multiple job types: [BREAK, PLACE, KILL and more]
- Easy to read Wiki
- bStats support to do metrics
- Open Source plugin
- Support to the latest & old Minecraft versions and always updating!
- Disable commands until a player do X jobs
- Admin commands to help to administrate the server
- Auto tab complete for all the commands
- Edit any command & subcommand aliases
- Automatic save data to prevent data loss on crashes
- Permissions support using SuperPerms of Bukkit
- Vault, PlayerPoints, TokensManager, EXP and more integration in order to give the salary
- Automatic update system in order to keep the plugin always up to date
- HEX support for every message in the plugin
- Custom model data support in all the GUIs
- Custom cooldown when withdrawing salary and leaving a job
- and much more...
To Do:
- Web job editor (v1.0)
- More economy implementations [needing suggestions] (all versions)
- Add a new permission system for each job (v1.0)
All the aliases can be configured in the language file and the messages. The subcommands of /jobs only work if the job action is equal to 2.
- /jobs
- /jobs choose <job> - Choose a job
- /jobs work - See/Accept your work
- /jobs salary - See how much salary you have
- /jobs withdraw - Withdraw your salary
- /jobs leave - Leave the job
- /jobsadmin
- /jobsadmin info <player> - See the information of a player
- /jobsadmin reload - Reloads the settings & messages of the plugin
- /jobsadmin help - Shows the help of the admin commands
- /jobsadmin update - Automatically updates the plugin
- /jobsadmin about - See information about the plugin & server
- /jobsadmin set <salary | method | job> <player> <amount / job> - Sets the salary/method of a player
This permission is required for use the command /jobs, speak with NPCs (Premium Only) and etc... RECOMMENDED TO: Everyone
This permission is required to get jobs that have the option require-permission setted to true. RECOMMENDED TO: VIPs
This permission is required to use the command /jobsadmin RECOMMENDED TO: ADMINs
If you find an issue please open an issue tracker on our Github page (redirect), if you want to give us a suggestion please send it on our Github or discord(redirect).
i get this error.
In reply to user4302:
Please join our Discord to get further help.
I would like to know if you get automatically paid when you do or sell something, thanks.
In reply to galay05:
Please join our Discord to get further help.
how do you create a custom job and with the salaries can you make them custom items? say for instance my friend and I are working on a server and we are using emeralds and diamonds with fortune 4 and having them named money for the currency for our players.
In reply to shadowrose720:
Hello that is a feature that is planned. About creating jobs you should check the wiki. https://github.com/Picono435/PicoJobs/wiki
How do i make a lil side thing for this and how do i get a auction for this plugin
In reply to sagearexx:
Hello, if you by "lil side thing for this" you mean a side scoreboard you can do it by using a third-party plugin like Scoreboard and use the plugin placeholders that you can find here, also make sure to have PlaceholderAPI in order to have PicoJobs placeholders in other plugins.
I didn't understand what you meant by auction for this plugin tho...
If you still need help and want a faster answer make sure to join our discord.
is there a way to make it so the salary for jobs doesnt multiply in the config?
In reply to RaiiDzFN:
Yes just set the salary-frequency to 1 in the jobs.yml.
its saying its not recognizing my vault plugin
In reply to RaiiDzFN:
Hello, in order to use the VAULT economy implementation (the default economy implementation for all jobs) you need to install Vault and a compatible Vault economy plugin. If you are wondering where to find an economy plugin compatible with Vault, just install your favourite economy plugin and it will probably be compatible with Vault. EssentialsX has its own economy compatible with Vault too. If you still need fast support please join our discord.
In reply to Picono435:
thank you i got it resolved
For 1.17 miners, here you have:
In reply to Cristichi:
Hello, thank you for helping this community. I will add this configuration to default in a future release, thank you.
In reply to Picono435:
No, thank you ;)
an internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command
server saying this when im trying to type /jobs , any fix ???
In reply to nikolaknife:
Hey could you upload the logs to https://pastebin.com/ or https://hastebin.com and send the link in the discord or open an issue in github, sending it here will also work. Also if you want to have a active support try to open an issue in our github.
Hello sir,
I have a recommendation. It would be great to have somewhere shown actual job, maybe somewhere in the GUI or at least meantined in your task. It helps players to get more understanding of the job.
Thank you sir.
In reply to IdasNet:
If I am correct you can do that yourself using placeholders! You can change every single thing that you see in the GUIs in the configuration and you can use placeholders to show up the job, the work that he needs to do and a lot more! All the files you need to know are in the plugins/PicoJobs directory, the GUI file is in plugins/PicoJobs/settings directory. If you need help doing this try check our wiki and if you still need help contact me in my discord.