API tutorial

API Tutorial

Firstly, in the beggining of the code include PHPSend.php


Then you need to create PHPSend connector and connect to server. We store the results in $succ.

$con = new PHPSend();
$succ = $con->PHPSconnect("SERVER ADRESSS","PASSWORD","PORT");
  • $succ is 0 when everything is OK.
  • $succ is 1 when PHPsend couldn't connect to server
  • $succ is 2 when Password is incorrect. You can check the results, but I'm going to skip this step now.

We are connected, so we can execute commands:

$con->PHPScommand("say Server says Hello!");
$con->PHPScommand("say Server sets time to Day!");
$con->PHPScommand("time day");

PHPScommand return 0 when command was executed, 1 otherwise (THIS DOESN'T INCLUDE COMMAND ERROR, LIKE "UNKNOWN COMMAND"), but It's rarely used. After executing commands, we have to disconnect from server.

$succ = $con->PHPSdisconnect();
  • $succ is 0 when disconnected succesfully
  • $succ is 1 when disconnecting failed (server not responds) You can handle those errors, if needed.

We are done. Next client can connect now.


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