PhatLoots Commands

<> indicates a required field. [] indicates an optional field.

In-Game Help:

  • /loot help - Display the PhatLoots Help Page
  • /loot help <command> - Display a command's usage

Creating a PhatLoot:

  • /loot make <Name> - Create a PhatLoot with the given name
  • /loot link <Name> - Link the target Chest/Dispenser with a PhatLoot
  • /loot link hand<Name> - Link the item in hand with a PhatLoot
  • /loot unlink [Name] - Unlink the target Block from a PhatLoot
  • /loot rename <PhatLoot> <Collection> <NewName> - Rename a PhatLoot Collection
  • /loot delete <Name> - Delete a PhatLoot

Setting up a PhatLoot:

  • If Name is not specified then all PhatLoots that are linked to the target Block will be affected
  • Amount may be a number (100) or range (100-500)
  • /loot time [Name] <Days> <Hrs> <Mins> <Secs> - Set the cooldown time for the specified PhatLoot (Players must wait this amount of time to receive more loot)
  • /loot time [Name] never - Set the PhatLoot to only be lootable once per chest
  • /loot global [Name] true - Set the specified PhatLoot to a global cooldown (early bird gets the worm)
  • /loot global [Name] false - Set the specified PhatLoot to an individual cooldown (worms for everyone)
  • /loot autoloot [Name] true - Set the specified PhatLoot to have players automatically loot the items
  • /loot autoloot [Name] false - Set the specified PhatLoot to require players to manually take items from the PhatLoot chest
  • /loot round [Name] true - Set the specified PhatLoot to round down cooldown times (Daily/Hourly loots)
  • /loot round [Name] false - Set the specified PhatLoot to not round down cooldown times
  • /loot cost [Name] <Amount> - Set the cost of looting the specified PhatLoot
  • /loot money [Name] <Amount> - Set the money range to be looted from the specified PhatLoot
  • /loot exp [Name] <Amount> - Set the amount of experience to be gained upon looting the specified PhatLoot

Manage Loot Commands:

  • A Parameter starts with the 1 character id
  • p: The Name of the PhatLoot ex. pEpic
  • If PhatLoot is not specified then all PhatLoots linked to the target Block will be affected
  • %: The chance of looting the item ex. %50 or %0.1 (default: 100)
  • c: The id of the collective loot to specify ex. c1
  • #: The amount of the item ex. #10 or #1-64 (default: 1)
  • Use #0 if you want each Loot in a collection to be rolled for individually
  • d: The data/durability value of the item ex. d5
  • t: Tier the Item (tiers.yml) ex. t
  • l: Generate Lore for the Item (lores.yml) ex. l
  • e: The item enchantment ex. earrow_fire or eauto
  • Enchantment levels can be added. ex. arrow_fire(2)
  • /loot <add|remove> <Item|ID|hand> [Parameter1] [Parameter2]...
  • ex. /loot add hand #1-16 nEnderNade %32
  • ex. /loot add bow earrow_fire(2) earrow_unlimited %5
  • /loot <add|remove> coll <Name> [Parameter1] [Parameter2]...
  • ex. /loot add coll Weapon %25
  • /loot <add|remove> cmd [Parameter1] [Parameter2]... /<Command>
  • To add the looter's name to the command, place <player> within the command
  • ex. /loot add cmd %13 /say <player> has found a chest!
  • /loot <add|remove> msg [Parameter1] [Parameter2]... -<Message>
  • ex. /loot add msg cWeapon -Here, take this weapon with you in your travels!


A list of Enchantments may be found at (These are not case sensitive)
ex. To add 1 bow enchanted with flaming arrows, at 100% chance of loot, use the command "/loot add bow earrow_fire"

Using auto as an enchantment will automatically enchant the item based on the percentages defined in enchantments.yml

Other Commands:

  • /loot list - List all PhatLoots
  • /loot info [Name] - Open the info GUI of the specified PhatLoot
  • /loot give <Player> <PhatLoot> [Title] - Force a Player to loot a specific PhatLoot
  • /loot reset - Reset looted times for the target Block
  • /loot reset <Name> - Reset looted times for the specified PhatLoot
  • /loot reset all - Reset looted times for all PhatLoots
  • /loot clean - Clean looted times for the target Block
  • /loot clean <Name> - Clean looted times for the specified PhatLoot* /loot clean all - Clean looted times for all PhatLoots* /loot rl - Reload the PhatLoots Plugin