This is my first plugin and even my first Java written thing
Hope you will enjoy it
This plugin makes it possible to have different chest inventories for each Player with one chest.
If you register a chest with contents already in it each player will have the change to get the items like a treasure chest.
It is also possible to make a inventory chest that can be used by each player personally.
- ADMIN creates a chest width 2 dirt inside.
- ADMIN registers the chest to be a PersonalChest with "/pchest create".- PLAYER1 walks to the chest and takes 1 dirt form the chest, so now every time PLAYER1 looks in the chest there is only 1 dirt in there.
- If PLAYER2 opens the chest he sees the orginal contents of the chest, the original 2 dirt.
He takes all the contents and now the chest is empty for PLAYER2.-For PLAYER1 there is still 1 dirt in the chest.
Quote:->Open for suggestions<-
Source Code
A donation is greatly appreciated
If you run a paid server and need some custom functionalities I'm willing to make that happen for you if you make a generous donation, contact me if you got some requests.
Any updates on when this might be updated? 1.4 is around the corner sure but I could see for example written books to be implemented.
As far as I have read, Bukkit doesn't have an API that let plugin developers store the written books yet, so when it is available it will be implemented.
Will this support written books anytime soon?
And if not, can I help you? I was thinking of basically rewriting this plugin just so people don't have to deal with any commads to get a copy of a book.
I have to encounter the same problem soon too on my server, so there will be an fix.
There's a duping issue that I've noticed with HomeSpawnPlus when using /home with warmups, Opening a pchest then being teleported, opening another chest, going back to the pchest and the pchest has the same inventory of the other chest.
I would love to aid in testing out dev versions of pchests as it's really an integral plugin for my server.
So have good vacantions...^^
I'm gong to update it, but I'm on vacation right now so....
Are you going to update to 1.3.1? If not, has anyone else made a similar plugin/continuation plugin?
The Wrong Argument Should not pose a thread but will be fixed with the next update.
Check out the wiki for permissions:
where are the permissions? and could you fix this 2012-08-09 10:39:29 [INFO] [PersonalChest] All Chests Worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end 2012-08-09 10:39:29 [SEVERE] Wrong method arguments used for event type registered
Well I can make that happen, I will put it on the to do list.
Is there any way this plugin could have all world generated chests be personal chests, but player placed ones are not unless specified?
I'm on it, I don't know when I have the time to fix it because I'm in the middle of a minecraft server move so...
Hi my players are abusing an exploit regarding your plugin:
Player 1 opens chest 1 and take contents
Player 1 uses slash /home - during the warmup of /home (common with many /home plugins), player open chest 1, teleports while leaving chest open
Player 1 can now open any chest, lets call chest at his home Chest 2
Player 1 opens Chests 2 and closes it
Player 1 goes back to Chest 1 and finds the contents of Chest 2 duplicated to Chest 1
Could you add the log? and tell me what the build number is you use for bukkit?
14:02:56 [SEVERE] Wrong method arguments used for event type registered
What could this possibly mean? There's no errors or anything but being a paranoid..
I hope I can add a new saving system like SQL or something... Then I also need to make an converter, its added to the to-do, probably priority #1
Anyway you could possibly change how it saves in the future, it creates alot of files.
Do you have other plugins that prevents people from opeing the chests? If so then you need to make sure that those people have the " false" node.
Just wanted to ask you, i use this for a public chest for new users.
But often i find the chest in the "is beeing used" mode, when no one is near. And people cant open the chest :/ Do you have any idea how to fix that? I was trying around with Chunk Load / Unload, seems like it has to do something with that.