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Using Persistent-Nicknames causes some other plugins to crash or produce errors for players who do not have a nickname set by Persistent-Nicknames.
I reproduce here the code from your player login handler:
@EventHandler(priority=EventPriority.NORMAL) public void renameOnLogin(PlayerLoginEvent event) { Player player = event.getPlayer(); player.setDisplayName(getConfig().getString("nicknames." + player.getName())); }
If a player does not have a nickname defined in the config file, then getConfig().getString() returns null. The null value is stored by CraftBukkit and returned by getDisplayName(). Other plugins are not expecting a null value here, and this results in undefined behaviour.
A display name should NEVER be set to null. I consider it a Bukkit bug that setDisplayName() allows you to do this.
Update: Bukkit have fixed this on their end.
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