PermissionsBukkit - the Official Default Groups Plugin
Current Version: v2.3 (beta v2.4)
Find PermissionsBukkit on the forums!
It's been a long time coming, but with the accomplishment of build 1000 Bukkit has finally accomplished a built-in Permissions system (codenamed Superperms). For more info on how they work, and how to integrate them with your plugin, see the official Permissions FAQ. Keep in mind that you should rarely, if ever, have to hook this plugin directly; instead keep things in the realm of checking player.hasPermission("yourplugin.node"). The FAQ thread has more info on how to use Superperms with things like chat prefixes/suffixes.
- Storage of users and groups in plugins/PermissionsBukkit/config.yml.
- Both users and groups can be assigned individual permissions and parent groups to inherit permissions from.
- Support for global and per-world permissions.
- Reload configuration from file without reloading the plugin.
- Ability to check if a player has a specific permission node.
- Ability to dump all permissions a player has and the plugins that set them.
- Ability to print plugin, description, and default for a given permission node.
- Ability to modify the permissions of groups and users and the groups of a user in-game.
- Built-in antibuild via the "" node (defaults to allowing anyone to build).
Current Beta Version:
PermissionsBukkit v2.4 beta (details)
Current Version:
PermissionsBukkit v2.3 (jar) (details)
Previous Beta Version (for older than 1.7.6):
PermissionsBukkit v2.2 beta (details)
Other Important Information:
For changelog information, known caveats, and other release notes, see the entries on the files page.
Plugin Metrics
PermissionsBukkit gathers some information about your usage via PluginMetrics. The information is available here, and you can disable metrics on your server by changing 'opt-out' to true in plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml. You can view your own stats with the /perm about command.
PermissionsBukkit collects this information about your specific usage:
- The number of groups, users, worlds, permissions, and permission roots (first parts) in your configuration.
- Whether you use per-user permissions, per-world permissions, group inheritance, and API features.
- Whether anti-build is enabled, assigned to the default group, and has a message.
- Whether debug mode or custom permissions (permissions.yml file) are in use.
- Whether the example user "ConspiracyWizard" is in your configuration (this is not a real person).
Additionally, some information is collected by PluginMetrics by default:
- Java version
- Operating system
- Authentication mode (online/offline)
- System architecture (32/64-bit) and core count
- Game version
- Server location
If you have a plugin that does anything with groups, say a rankup plugin, and it does not work, it's probably because the author used Vault's playerAddGroup(Player player, String group) method which will always fail since PermissionBukkit does not support groups on a per world basis so Vault nulls all calls to playerAddGroup(Player player, String group). The author needs to use playerAddGroup(String world, OfflinePlayer player, String group) and set the world to null. I wanted to switch to PermissionsBukkit but several plugins dealing with groups were failing so I looked at the open source ones and then the source of Vault.
does this support time based group? if i want to set a player in a group for an amount of time?
Whoa...didn't realize it was SpaceManiac who wrote this. GG SM.
Please I need help !
I love your plugin but I have a problem ! I will open my RP server soon. I want to use "Bossshop" to buy rank. Then i have to set a command to buy "VIP rank". BUT i think, i have to use "/perm setrank <playername> VIP" and I don't know how it can set the playername automatically... Sorry for my english I'm french.
For exemple : "Mister" want to be VIP. He have to click on bossshops item and click on "BUY VIP". The command executed will be /perm setrank Mister VIP.
My question is : How can the playername will be set automatically "/perm setrank (HERE) VIP"
I tried /perm setrank <playername> VIP but it doesnt work...
Sorry for my bad english again and thanks for reading !
how can i do a group as default? i need put default:true or something?
Been waiting for you to fix the UUID code myself, Essentials chat stopped working and Essentials told me it was this plugin
Update please!! I need UUID support, or else i will use another plugin! When this is fixed, i will donate! :)
As the "Official Default Groups Plugin", it is surprising that your (very useful and very nice) plugin hasn't yet updated to handle UUIDs. The below image shows an example of this, for displaying all players in a group on my server I have named "regular":
It ofc isn't a plugin breaking bug, but it's an annoyance which could possibly be fixed by just altering a few lines of code. I haven't needed to alter my plugins to use UUIDs yet, so I don't know how much work it is. But nonetheless this is just to draw your attention to the issue :P
The GitHub build of permsbukkit fixes that but breaks any plugin running commands automatically in permissions. I moving to permex.
2.3 Release does not works with essentials chat formatING for groups.
I used the GITHUB build to fix this but no plugins would talk to it. Command vlocks will not run permissions commands anymore. I switched back to the release build and I am having the same issue now!
Please help.
THIS! The current version is using a TON of resources getting stuck on "Player join event"
Which version is for 1.6? Is it the 1.7.2 BETA ? or the 1.5.2 BETA ?
PermissionsBukkit now uses UUID instead of username. This is because Mojang may let you change your Minecraft username in the future.
There are two solutions you can try, either make the changes directly in the config file, and the next time they log in, it will change to their UUID. Or you can give permissions directly to their UUID. You can use this tool to convert their username to UUID:
Ex: /perm player addgroup [long UUID string] [group you want to add them to]
PermissionsBukkit v2.3 gives me an error message in the chat box, telling me I can't add people to groups if they're not online. The older versions didn't do this and it was really handy to use on members in different timezones than me. Is there any way to change this or get around it? I can't stay up all night just to put certain people in their proper groups.
Is it possible to have a group only able to add members to another specific group?
For example, I have three groups, admins, mods, users. I want mods to be able to add users to group user, but not to mod or admin.
I have the mod permissions setup like this:
permissions: true false false
permissions.player.addgroup true
permissions.player.removegroup true
This doesn't seem to work. It gives mods the ability to add users to all groups. So they can technically make themselves an admin. Is my context wrong?
Edit: It's not showing the colons, but they are there.
you can not use the console commands for example quand type / permissions player SetGroup Fenice530 admin says: Fenice530 admin is now then when I do / permissions player groups Fenice530 (which is used to point to see that group) tells me that they are still in the default group
Minecraft 1.7.2 and I use craftbukkit RO.3
+1 for tab support, something not many developers like to add, even not the big ones
Was looking for it myself actually. I did find it in the end though, the information is on the permbukkit's forum page.
There is a link to this on the top of this page in the line: "Find PermissionsBukkit on the forums!"
You're welcome :)
is there a permissions to set if a player is allowed to use the /permissions command?