Removing last group doesn't give the player default permissions back #289

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to spacemaniac
  • recon88_ created this issue Jan 28, 2015

    I just had some players complaining about not having permissions so I checked my permissions file and found a lot of user in there without any specific groups/perms. They look like this:

        groups: []
        name: recon_

    Steps to reproduce:

    • Create 2 groups (default and let's say 'special')
    • Do not write any users to the file by hand. Just the 2 groups.
    • Execute /permissions player addgroup <name> special

    The user should now be written to the permissions file with the group 'special' assigned.

    • Execute /permissions player removegroup <name> special

    Now the player's entry looks like the example above. If you now reload the perms and/or relog, the player doesn't have the default group.
    In my opinioin the player should get completly removed from the file if the last group gets removed from him.

  • recon88_ added the tags New Defect Jan 28, 2015
  • _ForgeUser9936133 posted a comment Jan 29, 2015

    I get this issue too if I do what you describe here. I agree that the player should be removed from the config.yml in this case, but of course ONLY if the player's file looks like what you showed up there.

    For example; you don't want to remove players from the file like that if the player has permission nodes set to him..

  • recon88_ closed issue Feb 8, 2018

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