PerWorldChat Plus
Run a server with multiple worlds? Hate having the chat go to all worlds?
Well, PerWorldChatPlus is the right plugin for you.
Not only does this plugin make chats perworld, it allows for grouping, global chat, and spying on all chats, and much more!
Perfect for all servers who don't want chats to be in all worlds. Large or small, this plugin is for you.
"A must have for multi-world servers." | "Better than any of the other per world chat plugins I have seen." | "Wonderfully simple."
"Don't know how I survived without it!" | "Made the server's chat much cleaner."
"Great plugin."
New features highlighted and underlined in Green.
Current version: 5.1.1 for Bukkit/Spigot 1.10
Current version: 5.1.1 for Bukkit/Spigot 1.9
Current version: 5.1.1 for Bukkit/Spigot 1.8.x (Download on external site below)
espanol. Version 4.0.0
- Make all chat per world! (Can be disabled)
- Chat sharing across worlds (Group related worlds together so they can chat!)
- Chat bypass string (in your chat message) or a bypass command to make your chat global ( /pwc bypass)
- Timed Global chat. Make chat global for a limited period of time.
- Alert System (add a word to your list and get notified of when it is said in chat).
- Mention system (get a notice when you are mentioned in chat).
- Anti-Swear system. Block those bad words!
- Anti-Ad System. Block all the unwanted advertisements!
- Now detects and blocks websites!
- Now detects and blocks IP Addresses!
- IPv4 and IPv6, with or without ports.
- Chat formatting
- Automatic chat color.
- ChatColor selector Inventory GUI
- /chatcolor or /cc
- Serves as an API for plugins to extend chat functions!
- Super customizable.
- Light on server!
- Uses little to no RAM or CPU.
- And much much more!
Planned Features
- Better detection of websites
- Better detection of IP Addresses.
- Make alert sound customizable
- Highlight the word that made the alert.
- Add world exempt list of worlds you do not want to spy on (per player basis).
- Add player exempt list of players that can not be spied on.
- More coming soon!
- Want a feature but don't see it?
- Suggest it in the comments!
- None so far!
- If you find a bug, please report it in the tickets system for the plugin.
- Reports in the comments will not be addressed!!!
- Need help?? Want to request a new feature? Want to contact me quickly? Something else? Join my discord server now!
- Tested and working on CloudCraft. Ip:
- If you find any bugs please put them in the tickets system for this plugin.
- Issues will not be addressed in the comments!!
Source code:
Hey, developers! PerWorldChatPlus can serve as a simple API!
You may be asking "What does that mean?" Well, to start with, it means you can use PerWorldChatPlus within your own plugin to further enhance chat features. You can use it for all sorts of different plugins. Minigames, RPGs, enhanced chat formatting, etc!
This not only will allow you to enhance chat, but also very simply start taking control of chat and making it more functional for your plugins without fear of compatibility or errors. PerWorldChatPlus will internally handle all of the hard work so you can get on with making your awesome plugin!
More info on how to implement PerWorldChatPlus into your plugin can be found here: Development & Implementation
Sorry, but 1.8.x will no longer be officially supported on Dev Bukkit
Why? Well simple, it's quite a large plugin and is hard to maintain in two different versions (one for 1.8 and one for 1.9).
However, upon great demand, I will release updated 1.8 versions on my personal website for download, they just will not show up on Dev Bukkit.
As per Dev Bukkit rules, I must tell you that these versions have not be viewed or otherwise approved by the dev bukkit staff. (However they are safe to download).
Link to PerWorldChatPlus for 1.8.x servers:
Official Server
Cloudcraft is the official server running this plugin and is my test server for any other plugins i develop as well as it is a 24/7 server for minigames
survival creative and more!
This server is owned by me, shades161.
This plugin seems perfect, although users in the same world as each other cannot see each others messages. The only way players can see other messages is using /global.
The will be a page listing them in the near future as well as more and more possible variables in the next updates.
I see that chat formatting is still in beta, however is there a list of supported variables somewhere other that %world% and %player%?
Omg it worked! <3
Stop the server, edit the config, save, then start the server. If that doesn't work open up a ticket please.
Thank you for clearing this up. :) I very much appreciate your hard work for this plugin and helping server owners! :) Also whenever I change a config value it doesn't save when I restart. :( Any info you need to fix it? I am Using Spigot 1.8.8
This issue has been addressed before. I cannot add a reload command due to the nature of the plugin. It not only handles chat related functions but serves as an API for developers. Reloading the plugin while the server is on can cause unexpected issues. Feel free to try and use a plugin managing plugin, but again, this may cause unexpected issues.
I believe I solved it but can you add a reload command? :D
Your config and/messages files are outdated. Delete them and restart your server.
Please help: :(
Plus is there already a feature where it can disable everything that comes through from other worlds? Like afk messages, crate openings /me etc etc.
That will be added in the next update. I just needed a working version released that is updated. Formats for grouped world's, or for specific world's will be supported in the next update. (Formatting is also in beta, so a lot of features are likely to be added soon)
Are you able to make the chat formats different for every world. For instance, I want to use Essentials chat for my Factions & Towny world, while I want to have a set format from the plugin for my other worlds.
Haven't tested it yet, but it most likely does work on 1.10
EDIT: Tested and working on Bukkit/Spigot 1.10
It works with 1.10 MC version?
DEV NOTE: Development on a new release for PerWorldChatPlus has started. This release will include many requested features among many fixes and improvements. For developers this release will begin the addition of a simple API (useful for minigame or other plugins chat functions and such). For more information check back here or contact me via PM. Thank you.
It's all on the installation and configuration page
How do i add Groups?! I need it Please!!!!
Yay! Can't wait!!!
Yeah, I'll add that to the next update.