Installation & Configuration
Installation Instructions
- Download the PerWorldChatPlus.jar version for the supported version of your server.
- Put the PerWorldChatPlus.jar file in your plugins folder in the server directory
- (Only if Updating) Delete or reload the config file! Or the plugin will break! (And any other files that require changes).
- After your server has started back up navigate to the PerWorldChatPlus folder in the plugin folder in the server directory
- Edit the config to your desired settings
- Finally restart your server for the changes to take effect
Config File
Notes added in manually, not in actual config.
Config displayed is for the newest version of plugin.
Config for "PerWorldChatPlus Version 5.1.1"
# Seriously, don't delete this. DO NOT DELETE: PerWorldChatPlus is developed and managed by Shades161 # Plugin uses this, dont change. Config Version: '6.0' # If it should check for updates Check for Updates: true # The lang file to use in /messages/ Lang: En # Announce if I join your server Announce Dev Join: true # The plugin's prefix (not chat) Prefix: '&5[PerWorldChat]' #Settings for global chat. Global: #Prefix global messages will be given Prefix: '&4[Global]' # put this in a message to make it global Override: '!wc' # If chat should be global always, not per world Always Global: false #Timed stuff, mostly not important TimedGlobal: #If it should allow timed global chat (command enabled) Allow: true Announce: true DefaultTime: 5 'On': false #Settings for various alert things Alert: Mention: #If it should alert when you are mentioned in chat OnName: true # If you need the mention permission to mention someone RequirePermission: false # Should it require the '@' symbol? RequireAtSymbol: false # Tell mentioned player they were mentioned? SendNotice: false # Format settings Format: # Should PerWorldChatPlus format messages? Enabled: true Format: # Format for local messages Default: '&4[%world%&4]&r %player% &r: %message%' # Format for global messages Global: '%global% [%world%] %player% : %message%' # Various chat settings Chat: Color: #Translate color codes in chat? (&4, &5, etc) Translate: true #Automatically set chat color? Auto: true #What is the default color for chat? Default: WHITE #Should it require permissions to use chat color? RequirePermission: true Swear: Block: Enabled: true #Block entire message or just the work? EntireMessage: false #What should it replace swears with? Replace: '***' Kick: #Kick on swear? Enabled: false #Annoucnce that they were kicked? Announce: true #What swears should be blocked? Blocked: - Crap - Shit Ad: Block: Enabled: true #Block entire messages? EntireMessage: false #Block IP Addresses? Ip-Addresses: true #Block websites and links? Websites: true ##What should it replace the ad with? Replace: '***' Kick: #Should it kick on advertising? Enabled: false #Should it announce they were kicked? Announce: true #Would shares list (MANUAL EDIT!! Make sure your shares are listed here!) SharesList: - world
Shares.yml File
Notes added in manually, not in actual config.
Format shown for PerWorldChatPlus Version 3.2.1 and newer
Note: Your group names can be anything you want, as long as you add the name to the "SharesList" in the config.yml as shown above.
#This group will share the chat to the 3 worlds in it. Including "world" even though it is the group name. world: - world_nether - world_the_end #This is another group example, it will share these worlds even though the name of the group is not a real world. ExampleName1: - thisWorld - anotherworld - world2 #This is another example group group3: - foor1 - floor2 - floor4 #This is an example of a group that will be skipped/ignored because it does not match the case of the group in the config.yml. gRoUp3: - world5 - moreWorlds - Nether