
Here is a template of a translation file, for English: (For playerLives 1.7)

#Pathogen Player Lives Sample English Translation File

#Welcome messages
welcomeOneLife: Welcome back! You only have one more life! Be careful!
welcomeLastLife: Welcome back! You have no lives left! Be careful!
welcomeBackGeneral: Welcome back! You have $LIVES lives left.
welcomeNoLives: You ran out of lives, so you lost all your stuff.

deathPunishMessage: You also lost $MONEYLOST leaving you with $PLAYERBALANCE.

#Spout welcome messages
#Everything uses spoutWelcomeCaption except for the no lives condition.
spoutWelcomeCaption: Welcome back!
spoutWelcomeOneLife: You have one more life!
spoutWelcomeLastLife: That was your last life!
spoutWelcomeBackGeneral: You have $LIVES lives.
spoutWelcomeNoLivesCaption: You are out of lives.
spoutWelcomeNoLives: You lost your stuff.

#Hmm, there is no spoutDeathPunishMessage...todo?

#Command echos
accessDenied: You do not have access to that command.
unknownTarget: No player named $PLAYER.

commandLivesYouHave: You have $LIVES lives.
commandLivesYouHaveInf: You have infinite lives.
commandLivesPlayerHas: $PLAYER has $LIVES lives.
commandLivesPlayerHasInf: $PLAYER has infinite lives.

#/givelives, /takelives, /setlives
commandGiveYouHave: You now have $LIVES lives.
commandGivePlayerHas: $PLAYER now has $LIVES lives.

commandBuyNotNumber: Expected a number for purchase count.
commandBuyBadInput: Invalid purchase count.
commandBuyNoEconomy: Server needs an economy to enable buying lives!

commandBuyNotEnoughMoney: You do not have enough $CURRENCY.
commandBuyYouNeed: You need $MONEY to buy a life.
commandBuyYouNeedMulti: You need $MONEY to buy $LIVES lives.

commandBuyYouNowHave: You now have $LIVES life and $MONEY.
commandBuyYouNowHaveMulti: You now have $LIVES lives and $MONEY.

commandPplNone: You must specifiy a subcommand.
commandPplInvalid: Invalid subcommand '$SUBCOMMAND'

#/ppl enable, disable, reload
commandPplEnable: Unimplemented
commandPplDisable: Unimplemented

commandPplReloadMessageStart: Reloading the plugin...
commandPplReloadMessageDone: Pathogen Player Lives was successfully reloaded.

#/ppl help command
helpFirstLine: you're a bitch. that likes...BANANAS?!
#TODO: Separate help messages...


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