A group manager plugin for your minecraft server.
Parties is an advanced plugin for Minecraft servers that allows the creation of parties, or groups of people, on your server. Everything is configurable and modular, if you don't want a feature, just disable it (it won't have a bad impact on the server).
For offline players, LastLoginAPI is required!
Feel free to translate Parties for your language! Contribute on Parties translations.
You can find the source code here and API for developers here.
- 100% configurable
- Censor system for a lot of features (regex based)
- Commands are configurable
- Placeholder system
- Make custom placeholders for external use
- Scoreboard (via PAPI) supported
- Sync data between Spigot and BungeeCord
- Data sharing configurable
- Automatic update old configurations
- Support for HEX colors of MC 1.16+ (&#ff0000)
- Support for offline players (LastLoginAPI required)
- Chat dedicated to the party
- EXP system
- Give a level to each party and let them level up by killing mobs
- Levels are completely customizable and optional
- Obtain exp by killing normal mobs or via API
- Fixed parties
- Permanent parties that don't require a leader
- Useful for reigns, clans or factions of a server
- A customizable list of every party
- Choose the sort system
- You can filter or hide some parties
- Fully customizable ranks (roles)
- You decide every rank of the party
- Every rank have their own party permissions
- Every rank have their own rank placeholder
- Set a limit number of members
- Tag system
- Set an unique tag for the party
- Party color, choose or achieve their own color
- Party description
- Party MOTD
- Member nicknames
- Invite, ask or join a party with commands
- Teleport command to tp party members to you
- Protect your party with a password or just join others with a command
- Open/close command to allow other users to join
- Party delete/rename for admins/users
- Ignore/disable notification commands
- Server join/leave member message
- Auto perform leader executed commands
- Friendly fire protection
- You can set it globally or toggleable with a command
- Home and sethome system
- Kills counter for each party
- Follow party feature, whenever a player change world/server, the party will follow him
- JSON messages supported
- Asynchronous to avoid server lag
- API for developers
- Handle custom events via Bukkit or Bungee
- Handle parties/players data via API
- Statistics system (bStats)
- Database supported: YAML, H2, MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite
- Redis support via RedisBungee plugin
- Plugins supported:
- AdvancedBan & BanManager: Auto kick banned users or prevent chat if muted
- BedWars1058: Join into the minigame with the party
- BungeeChat: Prevent chat if the player is muted
- Dynmap: Create a mark for each party home
- EssentialsX: Save back location for teleport commands
- EssentialsChat: Use Parties placeholders on EssentialsChat
- GriefDefender & GriefPrevention: Give claim permissions to the entire party
- LastLoginAPI: Support for offline players
- Marcely's Bedwars: Join into the minigame with the party
- MMOCore: Use Parties system instead of MMOCore one
- PlaceholderAPI: Use PAPI placeholders inside Parties and viceversa
- Quality Armory: Support friendly fire protection with weapons
- Quests: Share quest progress with your party
- RedisBungee: Redis support
- ShowItem: Show items in party chat
- Skript: Dedicated skripts
- Vault: Give a price to each command
Parties is based on 2 main commands, party and p. You can change them from config.yml.
You decide what Parties will become, if you are looking for a clan plugin, just change from party to clan.
Before start to use Parties you should setup permissions, you can find the full permissions list here.
Are you looking for /guild or /clan?
Are you looking for help? You can find me on my own Discord server!
Parties offers a great documentation to help you to configure Parties. There you can find everything that you are looking for.
These are some examples:
How can I install Parties on Bukkit/BungeeCord/Velocity?
Command-execution already is in my to-do list :)
About sign-command a lot of server uses my plugin use external plugins for add parties commands.
@AlessioDP I love your plugin, but could you add Sign-Clicking and Command-Execution features? So when the party creator clicks a sign or executes a command (for example to play SurvivalGames) the other players also "click" them or execute the same command (the Command-Execution feature should be toggeable). Please.
Yes, it works :)
Will this plugin work on 1.7.10?
Can you create a pastebin of the log and configuration of Parties? I don't have this problem.
When I type /party create Partyname, the following errors occures (I changed the command to /partei erstellen, because my server is German):
(Totally not a month old reply ;P), if you would like, there is a file on a Bukkit server called commands.yml. You are able to overwrite existing commands, or even create new ones. I would suggest looking at the Wiki for more information on how to use this, as it is very useful. You would be able to override the /party command that MCMMO provides
In the configuration you can change every-command of this plugin :) (From main command to sub-commands like enable/disable)
The people over at mcmmo and developers have so much confidence in their plugin, that refuse to place an option to disable their partychat. They have full belief in their abilities to make a superior partychat to all other plugins, it's been asked that they added it since as early as 2013 and has yet to be added.
They lack a lot of necessities when it comes to party chat. Like the basic social spy option. This is shame as their skill portion of the plugin is being plagued by the developers of the party chat portion inferior complex.
This is super unfortunate to you as the people who would normally love to use your super awesome plugin over their quite outdated and function-lacking plugin, can't.
So, can you please either change the main command or make an alias? God knows the people over at mcmmo and developers aren't ever going to place an option to turn their garbage chat system off.
I just realized what you asked. I want the placeholder of Vault into Parties.
Yes, exactly :) {PARTIES_PARTY}, {PARTIES_PREFIX}, etc...
I'm guessing this is what you meant by Essentials tags:
----------+ #----------+ #chat:
You put the tag before display name. As you can see here this format doesn't work. It just sats "PARTIES_PARTY" before my name.
I even tried dozens of variations.
and several other variations of this. NON of them work. Is this isn't suppose to work? If it's not, where are the essentials tags suppose to go?
IS there a way to make it so the name of the party name show in world chat? for example: <party name> <group> <displayname> <message>
I've tried every which way in the essentials config to make it work and nothing seems to fall into place. Are the tags purely for party chat?
Uhm. I'm not exactly sure what that would entitle. As long as you see PermissionsEX (which hooks into Vault) prefixes inside of party chat, I'm good with whatever.
If you enable in the configuration database type to NONE, when all partymates quit the party is disbanded, added in my to-do list, leader disband ;)
Is there a way to make it so that the party will disband once the leader logs out? So its more of a party not a group? Like a way to do that i config? If not can there be one? I know there is the no save thing but i don't mean reloads i mean just whenever they log out it goes away?
Added in my to-do list, but you want the placeholder of Vault into Parties, or Parties into Vault?
Mmh so you want a placeholder for Vault prefix and suffix? For party chat?
Could you add a prefix and suffix placeholder that connects to Vault to find player prefixes and suffixes?