Parties v1.6.0
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UploadedAug 29, 2016
Size239.57 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.10
- 1.9
- 1.8.1
Parties is now open source! Follow the wiki before update!
Parties 1.6 needs an update in config.yml (133 new lines) and in messages.yml (32 new lines)
Parties 1.6.0:
- Parties Open Source!
- Added Bungeecord system:
- Now the plugin can run on Bukkit/Spigot and Bungeecord!
- Follow the wiki for the setup
- Your party will follow other party mates on server change!
- Added PlaceholderAPI support:
- Use your placeholders into messages
- Use parties placeholders in your chat!
- Added Dynmap support:
- Show party homes in your dynmap map!
- HTML supported
- Layer name supported
- Default visibility supported
- Added BanManager support:
- Now muted people cannot speak
- Ban a player will remove him from the party
- Reworked ranks system:
- Removed leader rank
- Only 1 owner (leader)
- All ranks customizable
- Admin can set rank of all players
- New internal permissions system
- Added password system:
- Optional
- Password command
- Password hashed in MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256
- Added join system:
- For password system
- Join command
- Join into a party, without a password too
- Admin can join in all parties
- Added 2 new placeholders:
- rank
- rank_formatted
- Added follow-party feature:
- Setup your plugin to send all players of a party into a server/world
- Bungeecord support
- Worlds support
- Added auto command feature:
- Choose which rank can force the command of other players
- Command used will be used on all party players
- Blacklist & whitelist commands (To avoid exploit)
- Reworked log system:
- Added MySQL support
- Added prefixes for the log (With time and date too)
- 3 levels of logging: 1, 2, 3 (3 full debugger)
- Count how many parties are loaded at reload (Log level 2)
- Added a delay into motd
- Reworked Vault support:
- Vault prefixes and suffixes supported
- New vault system
- Added command confirm
- Confirm a command before send money
- Timeout in ms
- Optional command
- New permission to bypass prices: parties.admin.vaultbypass
- Now Parties force party commands (For example: override MCMMO party)
- Now you can see which party invited you
- New regex (allowed-chars):
- Party name
- Description
- Prefix/suffix
- Changed a lot of messages
- Improved structure of the plugin:
- Code
- Configuration
- Improved API:
- Added createParty
- Added deleteParty
- Added getRank & getRankList
- Added documentations
- Improved code
- Changed getPartyLeader, return UUID
- New documentation here.
- Improved database type none:
- Disband party on leader quit
- Send a message on party disband
- Added a timeout before deletion
- Improved party save system:
- Now if the party doesn't have a desc/motd/etc.., it won't create an empty line
- Improved home system:
- Now you can tp to other party homes
- Improved Friendly Fire system
- Added protection to fire arro:ws and potions (except lingering)
- Multi world support
- Improved members command
- Improved info command (now is changeable)
- Improved p command
- Fixed dangerous bug for duplicate parties