Parties v1.5.18
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UploadedJul 11, 2016
Size178.33 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.10
- 1.9
- 1.8.1
Update 1.5.18:
- From now you cannot create a party with the same name of another (For example: party1, Party1, paRTy1, PARTy1)
Update 1.5.17:
- Fixed spam in console every command
- Fixed print list of parties on command rename
Update 1.5.16:
- Fixed problem with plugin, it couldn't read allowed-chars (in desc) option
- Now you can use UTF characters into description (Just change regex of allowed chars into "[\p{L}\s]+")
Update 1.5.15:
- Removed resources messages_en and messages_it
- Changed messages_XX.yml in messages.yml
- Added turkish translation (Thanks to Goiaingeruaren)
- Added official downloads link to italian/turkish translation
Update 1.5.14:
- Ready for 1.10
- Fixed "Working 1" spam in console
- Fixed party claim doesn't show up "invalid command" when disabled
Update 1.5.13:
- Fixed leader command error
Update 1.5.12:
- Fixed home reset at restart (MySQL)
Update 1.5.11:
- Fixed Tag system doesn't work in real time
- Fixed "tt" spam in console
Update 1.5.10:
- Fixed DeluxeChat placeholder system
- Fixed soft dependencies wrong loaded
Update 1.5.9:
- Fixed EssentialsChat implementation
Update 1.5.8:
- Fixed save with leader promotion
Update 1.5.7:
- Fixed auto-delete party when kicked all players from that
Update 1.5.6:
- Improved info command with "anyone" message when players number is 0
- Fixed members and info command, dont completely showing all information of others parties
- Fixed party home save with MySQL database
Update 1.5.5:
- Fixed bug with party saving
- Fixed bug by kicking a player or restarting server (party delete)
- Fixed bug warning new version in console
Update 1.5.4:
- Fixed console error when some spy is offline
Update 1.5.3:
- Fixed old party renamed in the party list
- Fixed leader rank doesn't shown in chat
- Fixed error in messages_en.yml
Update 1.5.2:
- Improved Party Chat system
- Now if you dont use Tag system or See Invisible Mates the plugin won't use Scoreboard system
Update 1.5.1:
- Added SQL messages for log
- Fixed SQL database system (Now don't delete parties when mate quits)
- Removed "without-save-party" in config (Useless code)
Warning: Database system completely reworked, so, RESET YOUR DATABASE. (Delete database.yml file or your SQL database).
Update 1.5.0:
- Added UUID support:
- Warning: This will break your database
- Everything is now saved with UUID so you need to delete all database files
- Added EssentialsChat support:
- Added Vault support:
- Pay for commands: create, home, sethome, desc, motd, prefix, suffix
- Added the possibily to revoke an invite (Re-doing the command)
- Added new database type: NONE
- Create a party without use the database
- On reload or quit of partymates that will be delete
- Added Arrows and Fire Arrows protection
- Added options to allow leaders do damage to partymates
- Added log system (File log.txt) (Chat too)
- Now the spies receive a warn when a party is created
- Now a player can accept invite when all partymates are offline
- API Changes:
- With the UUID support the API is completely re-writed, see wiki here.
- Improved system
- Improved internal party system
- Improved online partymates system
- Improved home system
- Improved members list system
- Avoided some bugs of 1.4
- Fixed color problem with spies
- Fixed tags problem with spies
- Fixed desc/motd problem: You cant insert the word of desc/motd into the desc/motd
- Fixed prefix and suffix command: Remove when start with the remove word
Parties 1.5.0 needs an update in config.yml (21 new lines) and in messages_xx.yml (13 new lines)