Parties v1.7.3
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UploadedMar 27, 2017
Size251.02 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.11
- 1.10
- 1.9
- 1.8.1
- 1.8
- CB 1.7.9-R0.2
Parties 1.7.3 needs an update in config.yml (10 new lines)
Parties 1.7.3:
- Added SkillAPI support
- Earn exp with your party!
- Editable exp-source
- Improved exp system
- Works with SkillAPI
- Moved from config.yml line 38 to 395
- Party name editable placeholder
- Now you can edit your %parties_party% placeholder (config.yml line 97)
- Improved ProtocolLib support
- Default to false
- Fixed some errors
- Fixed prefix/suffix error (Received string length longer than maximum allowed)
- Fixed Updater error
- Updated wiki
Parties 1.7.2:
- Fixed load error if ProtocolLib doesn't exist
Parties 1.7.1 needs an update in messages.yml (no new strings)
Parties 1.7.1:
- Improved messages
- Fixed grammar errors
- Thanks to Somegras
Parties 1.7 needs an update in config.yml (29 new lines) and in messages.yml (6 new lines)
Parties 1.7.0:
- Added ProtocolLib (4.0+) support
- Color your tablist!
- Edit header and footer of your tablist
- Added option to create permanent parties
- Option called "fixed"
- Usage: /party create <party> fixed
- Added in help page
- New permission: parties.admin.fixed
- Added option to set as default a party
- New permission: parties.joindefault
- New admin permission: parties.admin.joindefault.bypass
- Added option to automatic leave party when /party join is used
- Added prefix and suffix placeholders
- Improved log system
- Improved log messages
- New debug messages
- New placeholder: %position% (Used to report bugs)
- Improved kick
- New messages on kick players in other parties
- Fixed wrong messages
- Improved database system
- A lot of code cleaning
- Greatly improved sql system
- Improved configuration notes
- Fixed problem to load homes with SQL
- Fixed wrong package in pom.xml
- Fixed migration command
- Fixed wrong password migration
- Fixed migration to sql