Parkour is the original, most powerful Parkour based plugin available! First released in November 2012, and has been updated since. Parkour is now open source, and includes a large list of fun features.
Add a whole new element of fun to any server, highly competitive gameplay with rewards and leaderboards. Parkour is incredibly configurable and will work with any type of server.
- Incredibly powerful and customizable plugin
- Create unlimited courses, with unlimited checkpoints
- Setup is easy, will work with any server
- Simple commands, each with their own help section
- Fun and customisable Parkour Blocks
- Full sign integration
- Easy to understand and advanced configuration
- Leaderboards to store time and deaths
- Friendly and helpful creator
- Will always support existing versions
- Been supported and updated since July 2012!
Video Tutorial
Other Information
This plugin has a built-in auto-updater, which connects to BukkitDev to check for updates. If you wish to disable this process, you can do so by setting 'Other.UpdateCheck' to false in the config.yml file.
Right, this might be hard to explain. Although you have the sign setup fine, you need to actually create the checkpoints themselves (the signs load them) to do this, type /pa select (course), then using the stick it gives you, right click a block to where you want the checkpoint to be created. When you have done the correct steps it should say Checkpoint 1 created, and so on...
The arrow is supposed to be called that, this is just encase you get stuck in a hole or just want to go back to the last checkpoint. The suicide stick works when right clicking a block, not just the signs, its a good idea to not right click the signs with an arrow :P
SuicideID: Is the arrow, id keep it to that by default. CheckpointID: Is the stick you get when typing /pa select
I hope I have helped you fix these problems, please reply if otherwise.
Hey, I am experiencing a few issues. I have just got this plugin and I have the 0.7 version.
1) Whenever I make checkpoint signs and then play the course, it'll say this when I hit one of the checkpoints: "Point Set: 1/0" Then, if I die/fall after I hit the checkpoint, it says "This Map has not been created correctly. Please tell the Creator".
2) The name of the arrow was "Right Click this to Commit Suicide", not it's called "Arrow".
3) If I right click with the arrow on a checkpoint sign, I commit suicide. But if I'm not right-clicking on a sign, it doesnt commit suicide.
4) Just a quick question. What does this part of the config.yml file do? "SuicideID: CheckpointID:"
Just let me know if you have any ideas on how to fix these issues! Thanks Eternity74
Look in the config.
Would it be possible to turn off the "This server uses Parkour" message upon login?
how you put in a parkour map ë
Hahaa thank you :P I hope to have alot more when the plugin is no longer in beta :)
Congratulations on 1000 downloads : )
The plugin is still in beta and many thing will be changed for when it is finished. I will be doing many in-depth tutorials then along with images and guides.
That sounds awesome! Unfortunately I have had no experience with mysql or website connectivity, it is something i will look into in the future.
I need a tutorial on how to do this. Thanks
Is there any way of getting player stats to save to MySQL and display on a website?
Well, I guess what I mean is, the checkpoints are good for getting back to a certain spot if you die or hit a deathblock, but it might be fun to have some special point blocks that can be put in out of the way places, you would basically have to touch them to get the points.
We have people running the course that aren't hitting every checkpoint sign they come across, so it's not really good for points in my case.
Ohh yes, in the update log it said to copy all your courses from config.yml to courses.yml. Unfortunately the plugin is still in beta so things are constantly being changed, ready for release.
Thank you for all these ideas! :D I love having good feedback
I'm having trouble with my checkpoint signs. I have two created. When I click the first while on the course, for example it will say [Parkour] point set to: 1/0. Next I'll touch a deathblock, then it will say This map has not been set up correctly. Please inform the creator <me>.
The syntax i'm using for the checkpoint sign:
[pa] SetPoint <mycourse> 1
Also a couple of other suggestions:
Keep up the good work! Thanks!
Edit: I deleted my course and recreated, then the checkpoint signs started working. Maybe due to having created the course with the old version.
Time might never be added due to complexity, instead i've decided to use the amount of deaths to calculate leaderboards. Checkpoint block is basically a sign, a sign can contain data, a block cannot as easily so it only makes sense to use a sign. You have to right click the sign that has a setpoint command on it.
Would it be possible to add a time completed to the leader boards?
And maybe a checkpoint block?
Or maybe I'm just doing it wrong, but my checkpoint signs don't seem to detect the player when they run over the block with the sign underneath.
I will add simple reward feature in 0.7, then you can tell me how to improve.
Could you possibly add custom rewards? :D
When 0.6 has been approved ill be working on 0.7 which will have a massive update of permissions. For now the main ones are "parkour.basic" and "parkour.admin"
Permissions ?