Update:true#This will autoupdate your plugin.Parachute:time:-1#How long should the parachute be active (-1 means until the player comes to the ground)fallspeed:0.3#how fast should the player fallspeed:0.8#how fast should the player fly forwardactivate_sound:CHEST_OPENdisable_sound:CHEST_CLOSEfail_sound:GHAST_SCREAM#Sounds that will the player hearItem:id:344name:'Parachute'lore:-'Thisisaparachute'-'userightclicktoactivate'recipe:useRecipe:true#should the recipe be activeshape:#This is the crafting recipe-'AAA'-'BB'-'CDC'ingredients:#here you have to define the variablesA:WOOLB:STICKC:WOODD:IRON_INGOT#Parachute Item (Default egg)failchance:10#the chance the parachute fails to trigger in percentsingleuse:true#singleuse means that the parachute will be removed after you used itdobblespace-to-activate:false#do you want to that a dobble-jump will open the parachute?(then you just must have the parachute somewhere in your inventory)remove-parachute-on-damage:true#do you want that the parachute will be removed when the chicken gets damaged?useLeash:false#should the chick connected with you via a leash?autoParachute:useAutoParachute:true#do you want that you can switch between a normal parachute and the autoparachute?fallBlocks:5#somany block you have to fall before it activatesid:76#item IDname:AutoParachutelore:-This is a autoparachute-It will open after you fall 5 blocks
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