Paintball War Edition
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Want to help?
I haven't found much time to work on this project lately. If you want to contribute, the source code can be found here:
Feel free to open pull requests, but try to keep the changes per PR minimal to reduce the time required to review them. If you have larger or more complex changes in mind, feel free to contact me to discuss them before you start working on them.
We also started to move the documentation over to Github:
But this can certainly be improved. If you want to help with the documentation, feel free to contact me and send me your Github username.
If you can contribute and maintain translations of the plugin, or have other ideas of how you could contribute, let me know as well!
Paintball is a fast paced and action packed multiplayer game.
In the classic TeamDeathMatch mode 2 teams compete against each other to bombard each other with snowballs. Once a player is hit, he's out and automatically leaves the arena and has to wait in the paintball lobby for his mates to finish and the next match to start. In the Paintball lobby you will meet all paintball players, choose your team and wait for enough players, or the end of the last match. When all conditions are met, a countdown starts which announces the next match.
Some license stuff:
You can find the full license terms here:
You can find a basic summary of it at the bottom of this page.
Quote:Our main target is to keep this plugin easily integratable on any standard survival server without disturbing the survival feeling. You don't have to dedicate a whole server or world to this plugin!
Paintball is constantly expanding. There are more and more features added which have not much to do with the classic paintball game. But do not panic: According to your personal preferences you can modify or disable most things in the config.yml in the Paintball folder.
- No client or server modifications or additional plugins are required !
- Multiple Arenas: Build as many arenas as you like !
- Complete freedom on what your arena looks like! As Paintball does not care about your arenas borders, your arena can have any shape and layout, as long as it is impenetrable. Simple build some sort of wall around your arena to keep your players inside.
- Multiple Spawns: Paintball lets you define multiple spawn points for each team (red, blue, spectators) !
- Automatic-Lobby-Arena-System: The Paintball lobby will automatically rotate through all your ready arenas. No need for administrators to be online !
Limitation: Currently there can always only run one match at a time.
- Easy: No complex setup needed ! Only 4 commands and your arena is ready and added to the automatic arena rotation !
- Mechanism to strictly seperate Survival and Paintball and to prevent "cheating" in and with Paintball.
- Easy and individually adjustable small Shop, where you can buy ammunition or other special and unique "weapons", gadgets and power-ups with the Paintball-Cash earned during the matches.
- Ranking: Your players gain points to compete with each other !
- Various statistics: examples are Points, Cash, Kills, Deaths, Hits, Shots, KD, Accurancy, Teamattacks, Wins and Defeats for each player, each arena and as a whole.
- Toggleable Killfeed ! Turn it off if it spams you !
- Most stuff is configurable ! For advanced information click here.
- Much, much more!
Easy integration on every survival server!
Our main target is to keep this plugin easily integratable on any standard survival server without disturbing the survival feeling. Players shall not be able to swindle items or gain other advantages over survival players through Paintball.
Here you got some sort of overview what actions are taken to protect the survival-part of the server:
People with the 'paintball.admin' permissions node can bypass some of them.
- Prevent commands that are not related to Paintball. So player can't teleport or use commands as a benefit.
- Prevent breaking and placing of blocks.
- Prevent dropping and picking up items, or dropping the armor.
- Options to let players only join with full health or hunger so they can't escape during fights.
- Options to save the players inventory when joining the lobby and restore afterwards.
- Paintball inventory is cleared when leaving the lobby.
- Turned off damage and starvation inside the lobby.
- Many things can be disabled if they create problems with your other plugins.
- Explosions do no damage to blocks.
- Only Paintball players receive the Paintball messages. Your other players will not get spammed.
Videos on Youtube!
Arena setup
German(!) introduction
A french plugin description and video can be found here:
Additional information
Hint about version checking and stats collecting:
This plugin is checking for new updates. This can be disabled in the config with the setting "Server.Version Check".
This plugin is also doing some periodically stats tracking to which helps me to determine how many servers are using it. This can be disabled with the setting "Server.Metrics".
And the plugin is also sending some stats to to maybe prepare for some kind of later serverlist (a list of paintball servers). Currently those data are only stored in a non-public mysql table on my server.
- This means that this plugin is sending some general information about the minecraftserver, like: ip-adress, port, servername, slots, motd, bukkit version, if server is in onlinemode and if it has whitelist enabled.
- And some information about paintball like: how many players already played paintball there and if it is an paintball-only server (autolobby enabled) and if the server admin wants the server to be listed at some kind of public server list later, when it is finished.
→Those data are currently only send once every reload.
→ For people who don't want to share these informations with me :( → you can en- and disable this in the serverlist config (plugins/Paintball/serverlist.yml) with the setting "post enabled"
For bug reports or fixes for common problems take a look at the Issues page.
Don't spam with your error here !
For a list of ideas and suggestions take a look at the Ideas page!
Feel free to leave a message here!
(How you like it, what you like most, what you like in no way. I'm interested in your opinion!)
A big "thank you" to everybody who is keeping my motivation up through donations!
OklaMokla | zrocweb | Brian |
mattmc291 | treestompz | hector22x |
IceRhal | Lars | xprotect |
TheOnlyRealTGS | breachSWE | forestovserver |
jeracom | MineCrystalSpain | Urban_Professional |
Lamont Ellingson | Meegacoolman |
If you like this plugin, don't spare the effort to any amount that you consider reasonable and/or leave a positive comment!
Usage conditions / License
Paintball Server Plugin for Minecraft
by blablubbabc
You can find the full license terms here:
Those may be updated from time to time. In summary:
- Usage of this software is on own risk. I give no warranty in any kind that this software is working as intended.
- Modifications for personal use are mostly allowed. See the license for limitations on that. (Also note that the source code isn't publically available just yet. So actual modifications might be rather tricky currently.)
- Do not redistribute or publicly upload the plugin, with or without modifications. People are supposed to always download it for themselves from this page.
- Do not use for commercial purposes! This also applies to add-ons (other plugins or services for example) which are related or used in relation to this plugin! Examples: Don't sell any in-game currency that can be used related to paintball. Don't sell access, or prioritize paying players when joining paintball or the server running paintball. Make sure that your "donors" don't get any benefits such as abilities that can be used within the matches, or otherwise in relation with paintball.
Thank you for respecting these conditions!
If you have any questions on this feel free to contact me.
In reply to florenzius:
Version 1.3.9 for MC 1.12.1
If you like this plugin, consider making a donation.
It's a great game, we loved it but we have a little Problem with our Inventar/Armors.
When we return to normal World (quit the game) the Inventories are lost.
How can I solve this Problem ?
In reply to Forge_User_73496988:
In reply to blablubbabc:
I have multiple arenas on my server and i would like to configure arena voting so that it is enabled, how can I do that? I don't see a command for it
great plugin!
In reply to FloppyWhale102:
In reply to FloppyWhale102:
In reply to blablubbabc:
1 suggestion for the plugin, I think killstreaks (kind of like cod) would make an interesting addition to the game. e.g 5 kill streak = attack helecopter
Awesome plugin!
Theres one thing i'm struggling with the /pb toggle it works and all. Is there a way for me to toggle it for all players cause the spamming is a bit annoying.
Still amazing plugin. Players love it.
In reply to PurpleWafflezz:
Is the plugin open source?
In reply to DevMrGriefer:
In reply to blablubbabc:
Does this work with 1.12?
In reply to chi27870:
In reply to TigerWongFTW:
Hey, it has been a few years since I dropped you a note. Considering that your plugin NEVER BREAKS and has been running perfectly for years, there is not much of a need to come here. Still, I wanted to thank you again for such a wonderful plugin. PaintBall has alway been my favorite Minecraft game.
To look at this web page, one might think this plugin to be dead. But I wanted everyone to know that it is still running perfectly under Spigot 1.11.2.
Thank you again. Drop on by sometime?
Spigot 1.11.2
In reply to bukkit_User90572292: