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Ideas (for now ONLY ideas)
- way too many :D
- Weapon cooldowns / limited weapon usages
- join matches even (shortly) after match start
- protection vests
- arena rating
- changeable weapon items
- collectable powerups and other collectable stuff
- more Gadgets and unique weapons, which can be sold by the shop
- abilities (perks)
- Display the actual leading player (hits/kills) ingames nameplate like a "»«" or something.
- Options to modify arena-rotation (maybe use size-categories of the arenas, playlists, disable/enable arenas)
- MySQL support (for online stats)
- Wagers
- Multiple matches at the same time (multiple lobbies)
- letting players create and manage own arenas
- More teams
- "Private" matches
- Fixed teams and tournaments
- Top signs
- killstreak announcments and gifts
- some sort of anti-camp
- intelligent spawn
- Best player (per match/general) and more points for killing this player, OR maybe getting points according to the targets rank
- option for broadcasting the match-result
- Automatic team-correction
- More diverse permissions. Not sure if with that, cause permissions is currently very simple to settup.
- allow more dynamic stuff! (join/leave active matches dynamic as spectator)
- fire extras (flame thrower, explosive stuff which creates mooore fire, ..)
- gamemodes (ctf, free4all, capture 1 flag, conquer the island, paintball-spleef, ..)
- put dead players in spectator mode
- NPC's for the top players
- Keep bought items [in the lobby / on repsawns]
- Buy items in the lobby
- "reload"-time
- more weapons
- stationary turrets players can use
- options for messages, who shall receive them (broadcast, lobby, match player, alive, world)
- map destruction
- settings for paintball only servers with multiple servers: block joining the server, if there is a match in progress; kicking after match end
- arena renaming
- colored tag names in the lobby depedning on their team/lobbygroup
- automatically run configurable commands on match end and for each winning/losing player, together with some player variable
- team chat
- top signs/heads
- as admin give gadgets/weapons via command in match
Post and discuss your ideas here!
What COULD be added, what should be changed.
My idea: Smoke Grenades !
I think this is not possible, because players can disable particles in their default client.
There should be a save-inventory function that could be set in the config, so people wouldn't need to clear their inventory, but the plugin would save it for them, so when they leave their inventory would be restored.
This option could be toggled in the config, so if the option is false they must clear their inv before joining, with this setting the plugin would cause less lag than with inventory-saving turned on.
P.s.: Like in Tomytony's War plugin.
Sorry, for double comment/post.
This is already implemented.
Idea: Capture the flag, Both teams have a flag each. The other team needs to take the flag and get back to their own base. If the player drops the flag, the teams race to either get it back, or continue on the way to their own base. Life rules: Respawn on death or just die and ur out, configureable :P
Capture the one flag, There is one flag preset in the arena, which both teams try to take. Life rules: same as above.
"/pb arena <name> size <number> Define the size-category of the arena (Not used yet)"
i think it would be cool for you to have preset arenas and put them here, and use world edit, then do pb arena <name> size <number> and the arena spawns right there in the selection, all the admin will have to do is set spawn points, idk if it would be possible, but hope it is :D
and is it possible for you to set it to after people die, to automatically go to the spectate area? right now, it thinks spectator's are a 3rd team
other than that, gr=eat plugin ^.^
O.O a game within a game within a game??? OMFG gameception PERFECT:D diamonds and emeralds to you
nope, arenas will always have to be built by your own. But you can use other plugins, like worldedit, to build your arena. This will never change, as it isn't even necessary to build an arena, in order to play paintball. Building an arena and playing paintball in it are 2 very seperate things.
If you want instant arena built by worldedit: Mark 2 points with worldedit, expand the region to your wishes, type "walls 1".
Your "simple" arena is finshed, and i didn't have to explicit implement any support etc in the paintball-plugin for this..
The size thing will maybe be used sometime, to put arenas in and out of the arena-rotation according to the numbers of players playing..
the idea of putting players in spectator mode after death is great :P
Something like team deathmatch, just respawning :)
To the smoke grenade, i See this on Another Server with cob Web spheres bei throwing a egg
Would be nice if items rolled over from one match to the next. Even just having a true/false option in the config so you could keep your inventory when you leave the match and enter the lobby. Too often do you spend a lot of your cash on an airstrike or lots of rounds and they are gone the next match. Think this would be pretty easy to do, just run if statement to check the config and if false, run the codeblock that you currently have, and if true... run nothing? Those with multiverse-inventories could have a seperate world for paintball like I do so you don't have to worry about people entering/leaving with more snow/sticks/eggs etc. That's why it would be an optional feature in the config because I'm sure not everyone runs that. Either way, if you choose not to implement this, please make it so items roll over from one match to the next. It would be nice to be able to buy items in the lobby.
Also, unrelated idea, have people be able to leave a match using /pb leave. I have tons of players join, play a match, die and then want to leave, but they can't until the match ends (and can certainly take a while with Bukkit's invisibility problem). People should always be able to leave no matter what. Thanks for your consideration,
Leaving running matches is already in work right now ;)
yes... i had the same idea, but the problem is, that it doesn't look that good :)
It would be cool to have flash bangs as another weapon!!.
Maybe you can throw a colored snowball or egg and it flashes in front of the players with in a 10 or 20 block radius.
Edit: Just read the list of ideas, and flashbang is on there. Lol!!
You cant really come up with any new ideas there already lists. LOL!
How about if you set your balls limit to -1 which is unlimited balls. Maybe add a reload option that take 5 secs to reload, that will give the other team a advantage if you were in a fire fight.
describe a bit more..
Please enable fall damage because currently people are jumping off buildings and shooting each other in air...