Player lost items #266

  • Defect
  • Accepted
Assigned to blablubb
  • Forge_User_01524769 created this issue Aug 19, 2014

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    One of my players reported this:
    1. Join paintball lobby in World1
    2. Match starts, player is teleported to World2, player dies (suffication)
    3. Done playing, back to World1
    4. Leaves the lobby, items lost

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
    no items lost

    What version of the product are you using?
    Paintball v1.2.8

    Do you have an error log of what happened?
    yea the "player died" one

    Please provide any additional information below.

  • Forge_User_01524769 added the tags New Defect Aug 19, 2014
  • blablubb removed a tag New Aug 19, 2014
  • blablubb added a tag Accepted Aug 19, 2014
  • blablubb posted a comment Aug 19, 2014

    Hm, strange. Normally it should cancle the damage, if it is greater than the players health, trying to prevent the death all together..

  • Forge_User_01524769 posted a comment Aug 20, 2014

    @blablubbabc: Go

    Hmm, people can also do /suicide FYI :P

    Edited Aug 20, 2014
  • blablubb posted a comment Aug 29, 2014

    @TheOnlyRealTGS: Go

    Maybe your suicide command is trigger/handled in a strange way.. it it would be a normal command and trigger through the player's chat it should be cancled by paintball, if you didn't explicitely allow it.. So if it isn't it is very likely an issue of how the suicei command is implemented on your server and I can't do much about that.. :(

    Did that error (which this ticket is about) only happen because of that suicide command? Because that would explain a lot, as like I said am already trying to prevent all death-causing natural damage. However I can't block other plugins from doing damage and killing players..

  • Forge_User_01524769 posted a comment Dec 23, 2014

    @blablubbabc: Go

    I think it's essentials /suicide that causes the issue yeah.

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