Option for TP into/out of lobby #231

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Assigned to blablubb
  • _ForgeUser6918591 created this issue Jan 29, 2014

    Hey blablubbabc, Really love your plugin. I have 1 request. Also if this isnt the best place for it, just tell me where to put it and I will do that.
    Can we have a option to enable/disable tping in and out of the lobby. IE: you do /pb join it tps you into the lobby. You do /pb leave it tps you where you were when you joined paintball. My lobby in my server you just walk into and i have it so you just do the command when you enter and you do the leave command when you leave the region. So having the default tp makes it look really bad.

    You can create a "improvement" ticket here: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/paintball_pure_war/tickets/
    However, what happens if the player manually triggers the join command somewhere else, or the leave command while inside the region? Also, are all your arenas in that region as well? Otherwise players would leave paintball when being teleported into the arena, and then are stuck there.
    An alternative would be to use "worldmode": have all your arenas and the lobby in one world and enabled world mode in the config. players then join/leave paintball by joining/leaving the world.

    Well i can account for those situations myself with a bit of code, I just cant change the TP behavior of the plugin, I would just change it myself but part of your user agreement is to not change the code, so heres my plea for the option.

  • _ForgeUser6918591 added the tags New Enhancment Jan 29, 2014

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