Paintball v1.2.5


  • Filename
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  • Uploaded
    Dec 22, 2013
  • Size
    415.20 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.7.4
  • 1.7.2
  • 1.6.4


__ (v1.2.5) __

  • Fixed [ticket 226]: NPE when a player, which participated in the match logs back in right before the match ends.
  • Fixed: Disable clicking and damaging of ItemFrames and Paintings, especially important with the different behavior of item frames in MC 1.7.
  • Fixed: The shop menu should now calculate the correct number of needed slots and pages (no longer only uses 1 inventory row).
  • Fixed: Clicking of slots in the bottom inventory in the shop menu view are no longer interpreted as shop items.
  • Call PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent for commands triggered through the built-in command signs.
  • Fixed: "/pb vote" command returning "/pb" message when voting is disabled
  • Fixed: Timers ignoring the last second (not completly sure if that bugged in the older versions).
  • Fixed: Only let the player auto-join the lobby if he is still online after his stats were loaded, otherwise unload his stats again (fixes some rare error).
  • Probably Fixed: a problem for servers running autoLobby- or world-mode with not being able to properly reload paintball, causing an error and "database locked" messages.
  • Change+Fix: Under rare conditions (for servers with many players), reloading can cause problems because of the async (stats-saving) tasks still running when paintball is disabled: paintball now waits for them to finish before disabling. After max. 5 seconds it stops waiting and disables anyways. (Normally it should wait only a few milliseconds).
  • Change: The match scoreboard is now assigned AFTER the player is spawned/teleported into the arena: this should fix the scoreboard-being-overwritten / not visible issue together with the Healthbars plugin.
  • Change: Now using gravity's Updater class to fit the new dev.bukkit updater guidelines.
  • Change: Server posting (stats collecting, maybe used for some later serverlist) is now seperate from the updating process and can be turned off in the serverlist.yml config under " enabled"

Changed messages (coloring):

  • GAME_VOTE_DISABLED = "&7Arena voting is disabled."
  • GAME_VOTE_IS_OVER = "&7Arena voting is over."

This version will NOT WORK on bukkit versions below 1.6.x !