Paintball Brawl

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

# Plugin has become inactive. To see a complete redone version, go to :) (MrFrostmaul) #

You teleport to a map, and when the arena reaches max size or half the people vote, the game will start - that's the point at which you are put into teams, 10 seconds later you are teleported to your team spawn and you get Snowballs called "paintball" - You can 7 stacks of 16 paintballs, you also get 5 lifes (Represented using the health bar - doesnt regen) when you hit someone, they loose a life, when they have been hit 5 times they die and are considered eliminated and a firework will go off where they died, IF you have the permission 'paintball.donator' you will respawn at your teams spawn with 2 final lifes.

At 750 seconds remaining (Starts at 900) (Represented via EXP bar) - a chest will spawn in the middle of the map, with more ammo and fireworks will go off where it spawns - If nobody wins by the time 900 seconds is up, it will end in a draw.

# Also including a voting system to start the game! #


  • 2 kills = Speed for 30 seconds
  • 4 kills = Speed V for 10 seconds!
  • 6 kills = Speed V & Jump III for 15 seconds!

# Latest update notes v1.3 #

  • Kill streaks have been added!
  • You can do /pb instead of /paintball
  • Food level going down has been fixed (Really.. it has this time)
  • You cant sign up for an arena using a sign without setting the lobby
  • /pb join ArenaID (eg /pb join 1) has been added (Permission:
  • The code that found an arena a random map has hopefully been improved.. and fixed a bug too.
  • You can now set the default Lifes and Donator respawn Lifes in the config

Kill streaks
Respawn ability's
Map rotation system (Never get the same map twice!)
Multiple arenas
Full lobby system

=== Commands & Permissions ===

# As of v1.3 you can do /pb too #

/paintball enable <ID> (Permission: paintball.createarena)
/paintball disable <ID> (Permission: paintball.createarena)
/paintball addsign <ID> (Permission: paintball.setlobby)

/paintball createmap (Permission: paintball.createarena)
/paintball createarena (Permission: paintball.createarena)
/paintball setbluespawn (Permission: paintball.createarena)
/paintball setredspawn (Permission: paintball.createarena)
/paintball setcenterpoint (Permission: paintball.createarena)

/paintball list (Permission: paintball.arenalist)
/paintball vote (Permission:
/paintball arenalist (Permission: paintball.arenalist)
/paintball arenainfo <ID> (Permission: paintball.arenainfo)
/paintball deletearena <ID> (Permission: paintball.createarena)
/paintball setlobby (Permission: paintball.setlobby)
/paintball lobby (Permission: paintball.lobby)
/paintball start (Permission: paintball.createarena)
/paintball leave (Permission:
/paintball join <ID> (Permission:

(Do you speak Portuguese?: Video tutorial: )

For Setup Instruction please Visit:

Known Bugs/Issues:

  • Config File Not Writing Properly


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