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  • Uploaded
    Jan 27, 2013
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    316.79 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.5.0
  • CB 1.4.7-R0.1


Release - 2.7.1

  • Compiled with Java 6
  • Dropping with lorename changed from % to ~ to avoid conflict with variables (eg. drop: DIAMOND_SWORD@!Butterfly Sword)
  • Add more formatting variables for LoreName & messages (Bold: &l, Strikethrough: &m, Underline: &n, Italic: &o, Reset: &r)
  • Fix some debugging messages (to do with lorename) always showing
  • Only send "no economy plugin found" message if both Register and Vault not loaded (note: will be removing Register in next build, as Vault has replaced it)

Release 2.7

  • No major changes since beta2.
  • Move "unknown material" message from verbosity high to low (as an admin would reasonably want to see this message, even on verbosity low, to know their config needs fixing)
  • Added a null check to MessageAction to avoid a possible NPE error.

Release 2.7-beta2

  • fix "exclusive drop group" (ie. { }) so that it works as a distribution (ie. previously {SAND/50%, DIRT/50%} would choose one option and then run the chance a second time so 50% of the time nothing dropped - now it's a 50/50 chance of either Sand or Dirt).
    • Percentages below 100% will be buffered with "NOTHING", ie. {SAND/10%, DIRT/10%} has a 80% chance from dropping nothing.
    • Percentages above 100% will be rounded down as a whole, ie. {SAND/90%, DIRT/90%} is still just a 50/50 chance of either.
  • added "lorename" condition - requires the item in player hand to have given "lorename".
    • Will probably move this condition into the tool name at a later stage.
  # example:
    - drop: DIAMOND
      lorename: diamonddropper  # requires an item called diamonddropper
      # add a tool condition if you want
  • allow dropping an item with a lore name - <ITEMNAME>@!%<LORENAME> (eg. diamondsword@!%Butterfly) - can be combined with data values & enchantments but either way the "@!%" is still needed.
  • added more material aliases (eg. firecharge = fireball, creeperhead = skullitem@4) - let me know if there's a commonly used name I've missed
  • added TNTPrimed to entity list (to avoid "unknown entity" error)
  • increased BlockBreak, LeafDecay & PlayerInteract events from HIGH to HIGHEST priority (to fix issues with Regios plugin)
  • added jungle leaves to "leaf_overhaul" module

Release 2.7-beta1

  • fix for Jukebox NPE error
  • fix ItemFrame "unknown entity" error & move all unknown entity messages to verbosity "HIGH" (=less console spam)
  • fix issue with "drop: DEFAULT" not working
  • fix issue where mobs always dropped default items/xp
  • fix for "tool: HANDS" failing in 2.6-beta1
  • add Metrics support (metrics.griefcraft.com) to track anonymous usage stats (opt-out in plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml - set opt-out to true)
    • note: over 1000 minecraft plugins already use this library so you've probably already got it and I thought the stats would be interesting. Everyone gets to see the same stats here: http://mcstats.org/plugin/OtherDrops
  • fix for mobs dropping custom items/xp inside MobArena arenas

Release 2.6-beta1

  • fixed player hurt animation playing for all block breaks
  • fixed "defaults" not being cleared on new file

Release 2.6-pre3

  • fixes issues loading "default:" section of files,
  • fixes issue with trying to load vault when it's not there

Release 2.6-pre2

  • fixed issue reading PLAYER targets.

Release 2.6-pre1

  • Adds vault support for money drops.
  • XP & money drops no longer override default drop.
  • add settings for loot/xp/money_overrides_default to otherdrops-config.yml
  • ocelot/cats now support wild/tamed (cats tame by default, ocelots wild by default) - eg. ocelot@redcat\tamed (note, must be backslash, not forwardslash).
  • replacetool can now include a quantity (eg. replacetool: diamond/3 will take away replace current tool(s) in hand with 3 diamonds)
  • account for EnderCrystal in getEntityTarget() - currently does nothing with it (so EnderCrystal is not a valid target yet)
  • allow "tool: " to require a quantity (eg. "tool: dead_bush/2" requires two or more dead bushes to be held)
  • add 'delay: 1' if action = rightclick and replacetool is set (this avoids issue with tools being replaced by a water or lava bucket that then gets used).
  • fix npe in thunder event, rename thunder event to thunderstorm, default duration to 2 minutes

PLEASE NOTE: the change in the way that "drop: { }" works (now works as expected) may effect any drops you currently have using this.  Please test these and adjust as necessary before updating your live server.

Should work with any Bukkit from version R5 and up (currently tested on 1.4.7-R0.1).  Should also work on Tekkit & Spigot.