OtherDrops 2.0-beta11
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UploadedJan 18, 2012
Size257.00 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.0.1-R1
Beta10: Basic support for enchantments, fix no death animation & entities removing block within, update to 1.0 & 1.1 (mobs/items), ignore players in creative mode (onblockbreak)
Beta 11:
- remove spawn_egg alias to allow compability with Minecraft 1.0.1 Bukkit
- clear up a couple of debug messages
- fix NPE in weather check
- add datavalues for magma_cube
tool: EXPLOSION might not work, tnt & creeper explosions drop default blocks rather than custom, Hawkeye logging not complete.
* btw: seems XP drops are working fine - just that they get picked up instantly. Testing this with a delay works (except datavalues, ie. after "@" don't work):
- drop: XP@50000 # the 50,000 doesn't do anything (yet - might change this later), also XP/5 just drops 1 xp orb
quantity: 10
delay: 40