Regenerate Blocks with Metadata ID #2

  • New
  • Enhancment
  • _ForgeUser8804451 created this issue Apr 22, 2015

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    Hey, I was working with OreRegenerator the other day and it works like a charm for a lot of our servers' aims. However, our server resourcepack, or at least what we encourage everyone to use, employs metadatas for blocks. Here's what I'm trying to do,

    For this example, I'm attempting to make a vineyard/grape vines drop grapes. Currently, using the resource pack, the block ID 161(acacia leaves) has a specific texture of grape vines when it is set to the metadata ID of 161:14. So, I think it'd be cool if they dropped grapes. I'm using OtherDrops with OreRegenerator, and I don't have any problems...

    But from the research that I've done, OreRegenerator doesn't seem to offer support for special data'd blocks. I don't know how difficult it'd be to add this as a new feature, but I think it'd be a great addition to OreRegenerator for a lot of servers which use meta-data's in their texture packs.

    If this is added, it's possible to make apple trees regenerate leaves with apples in them. Grape vines with grapes in them. In fact, their can be metadata textures for rocks without ores in them(basically made for OreRegenerator, which is something I'd make) which replace any ores when broken. Grass when broken with your hands can be replaced with a texture that looks like mud and dirt, as if the ground was disturbed.

    There's a lot that can be done and a lot of creative ways to use the plugin if metadata ID's become compatible with OreRegenerator.

    Thanks for reading!

  • _ForgeUser8804451 added the tags New Enhancment Apr 22, 2015
  • _ForgeUser8804451 posted a comment Apr 22, 2015
  • _ForgeUser8804451 posted a comment Apr 22, 2015

    Oh, and I forgot to detail the actual issue I've been having.

    So what we've done as I've shown in the example is add vineyards on our server, and I've set LEAVES_2(acacia leaves) to regenerate after X amount of time. When you break the grape-vine blocks in the vineyard, which are actually 161:14, they replace the block with normal leaves which is what is intended and regenerate after their set time.

    However, while it works as it is, it affects ALL blocks that are classified as LEAVES_2 no matter what the metadata is. So if a player now was to break leaves from an acacia tree, it'll be recognized as grape vines... Which is not preferred.

    So if OreRegenerator was metadata specific, then only specified blocks with specific ID's would behave the way they are set up to in the config.

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